today Feb 17, I declare.. LACE DAY.
yup...its her birthday! and im so happy that i came home in time to spend time with her first seconds of her birthday, im glad that there is an internet connection here at home.
so in LACE DAY, we should wear pink clothes, eat pretzels, eat FIC ice cream, puto, wear pink sandals, go shopping, watch movies, and even going to Bangkok or Singapore. drool on Tamahome and love Azrael ! ahahhahhah...this is Lace Day !
heres a BRAT doll that i want to buy for her bday and keep one for me.
too bad that my paycheck is delayed today..crap!! so here i am staring at this pic of BRAT doll, I like the doll coz it looks is like Lace, long brownish hair, wearing skirt and all in pink! cute!!!