I called it my second life.. me and Lace will be opening the gates to a new world and Im wishing for an infinite joy and happiness to the both of us. After watching the Madagascar movie in Zen Chill out, I just learned that being a beast can be controlled and can coped up into a different environment. "I like to move it! move it!"
the 7th month is nearly coming..and I want it more!
Fire from the Heavens
Its a busy day for me, having party and enjoying lots of food with the family, we went out of town to attend my uncle's bday party, I promised him that I will attend his party, I'll go with Lace and not attend my thursday class. Everything went well, Lace didnt make it coz of her OJT and her sis Liza's bday too. Its a fine dining for me, I ate like a Lion, almost can eat a whole zebra.
and after that The Fire from the Heavens has begun....
i thought it will be my end, I'm glad that the stars in sky guides me in this creepy incident, I almost slammed my cellphone outside the Van in South Luzon Express Way, I controlled and nearly snapped! I'm glad that the 1890 tequila kicks in and makes me sleep the whole day while going home.
The fire from the heavens lasted 4 hours I think, I didn't even notice the exact time, coz my mind is unstable condition and thinking already a near death experience.
I'm everything went well...and back to normal.
I discovered many things about the Golden Ring of Ball and Chain, and it seems that the chain is turning into adamantium, and maybe I can call it next time - the Adamantium Ring of Ball and Chain.
well for all comic readers, they can understand that.
But the evil side from the Pandora's Box has been released again and these so called un-touched memories came back again and it is very disturbing. I just want to forget about the past.
so creepy...
and people back from the past are coming back from the dead, and All I want to is that
- they have to leave me alone! . before the Adamantium Ring brings chaos to my life.
but..I love my Ring.
I just loved my new Olympus Digicam
It ain't no worries for the rest of your day. Its Problem free...Philosphy...
Hakuna Matata..
I love to see Lion King again, my auntie gave me a DVD release of the special ed of Lion King, nice to see all my favoriete characters, but this entry is about me..
I ate like a PIG! (as Pumba said in the movie)
Its an endless chow and grub for me..and I can notice that my belly is getting er..huge.
The Island
Lincoln(Ewan) and Jordan(Scarlett) are not just ordinary people, they are special and to the world, they are very important.
wow! we just saw the movie THE ISLAND, and I give it a 10 stars highest rate, and this is a very good movie! Camy told me that watching Pinoy Blonde is not a very recommended date movie, but she said that i check it out the PB movie, but instead Lace decided we watch THE ISLAND. and I'm glad that my P120 ticket is not a total loss. man..I'll add this movie to my DVD collection.
the director of the movie - Michael Bay, did another vision and shared to us the possibility and not-so-sci fi story, and called a basis (means it can happen) like the movie he directed like "Armaggedon", THE ISLAND will reveal to us on what's the next step on the world of science discovery,.
the movie is pure action and is a breath taking story lines.
man..you will get tired on all those running, shooting and never before seen-matrix'esh goo and the future of medicine.
The back project
Artists' Den is very busy on this project and I want to reveal it already before someone jumps in and do a same event.
This will be the next successful convention next to TOYCON
I made a short teaser and it is unofficial
check out the teaser in this link - http://komikon.epinoy.com/
2 Mga Komento
Please do keep us in the loop about the KOMIKON! :)
Would love to be a part of it.
sure! will update you all.
alamat and the others are already in the list.
will buzz you all after the artists' den have finalize the event