Hooola !!!!
I'm going now to Syeri Baet's Carpool comic event in Gloria Jeans Coffee in Shopwise Araneta Center. and I'll be expecting some artist friends to be there and now I'm a little short of money and poor me I have to save my money til monday, coz I used my money to pay my tuition fee last friday because of that exams, school is getting very strict.
here i share my photo album of some of the event i attended couple of weeks ago.
3G Gizmo, Gears and Gadget Technology Party 2005.
The Fort
cllick the link to view album here http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/popazrael/album?.dir=5764&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/popazrael/my_photos
The event was televised while ago and Lace's friend Shandale txted me that she saw me on TV, I was there taking pictures and the camera paneled to my front, and I didn't even know it ahhahah.
for some articles, check out Mark's take on 3G event
his blog link here http://nextjam.blogspot.com
Go Beerkada @ Gloria Jeans Coffee
complete album link --> http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/popazrael/album?.dir=46c0&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/popazrael/my_photos
on the other side of the coffee shop, me and the others are reading the adult magazine for geeks ahhahah, take a closer look on the main cover of the magazine. thanks to mark for sharing his collection.
The UST - Commerce Journal
(The Official Student Publication of the College of Commerce and Accountancy)
Opus: The Literary and Art Seminar, Workshop and Contest
Opus 2005 presents Dibuho
will be on August 28, 2005 (Sunday), 7am - 5pm
at the Commerce AVR (5th flr) & Mezzanine Hall (1st flr),
St. Raymund's Bldg (Commerce Bldg),
University of Santo Tomas
Paulo Melendez (fiction) -- fiction
Jose Torres (Historian/Essayist) -- essay writing
Teofila Sinco (poetry) --poetry
Wilson Tortosa (Battle of the Planets) -- figurative drawing
as speakers for the event.
Contest Winners will receive cash, framed certificates
and have their works published in
The Hub (The Literary and Art Portfolio of the Commerce Journal).
Registration fee
60php for UST Commerce & Accountancy students
100php for other UST students and outside UST participants
* the fee includes snack, lunch and workshop kit
Take your forms from The Commerce Journal Office
at room 500, 5th floor St. Raymund's Bldg (Commerce Bldg)
or on the day of workshop.
Don't miss this chance of meeting the great people
in the literary and art industry.
Tell your friends and anyone who might be interested.
See you in the event!!!
for inquiries, please contact
the Commerce Journal Office at 7313101 loc. 8393
or Kai (09279291231)
Marian (09274539733)
//** Last year we hosted the event with the org and Ryan Orosco and Wilson Tortosa lead the lecture about Comic and Basic Drawing, and also a one week exhibit for the Artists' Den members. too bad that i wasn't notified about this event and they changed the event set up and no more exhibit to hold for their Opus. *//
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