Mythology Class book launch
You are cordially invited to the launch of Arnold Arre's "The Mythology Class"
on September 16, 2005, Friday, at Fully Booked in Rockwell.
Hope to see you there!
Stunning. Beautiful. Magical. These are only a few of the words I can
describe one of the most remarkable works in Philippine comics in
recent history. Such words I do not use lightly. In fact, I have never
used them before and I never thought I'd use them at all, but
Arnold's work cannot be described any other way.
My undying gratitude goes to Arnold for employing his formidable
skills in storytelling and art to a struggling industry. He is at the
top of a handful of young creators singlehandedly saving Philippine
comics. With Mythology Class revisited, renewed and reinvigorated,
Arnold has created a work of art that I have no doubt will endure to
entertain and inspire for generations to come. -
I remember reading the original Mythology class part by part and just
being blown away by Arnold Arre's stellar storytelling and explosive
visuals. Six years after I've finally had the opportunity to read his
masterpiece as a whole and am enthused to say that reading it in one
sitting is even more breathtaking! Arnold has created a tapestry that
not only shows a deft understanding of and respect for Pinoy folklore,
he has told a story that is worthy of being added to our country's
rich canon of stories.
-- QUARK HENARES, writer/director of GAMITAN, KEKA
It's about time that the constant yearning, teasing, reminding,
praying, threatening, animal sacrificing and voodoo spell casting by
Arnold's many, many fans (myself included) has finally resulted in
this dynamic return and rejuvenation of a much-beloved classic in
local pop culture and graphic storytelling. Praise Bathala, indeed!
-- MARCO DIMAANO, writer/artist of ANGEL ACE, KIA
This four-issue series is a landmark in itself: a comic book that
combines Filipino myths and legends with modern humor, action and
sensibility. The result is a quirky, enjoyable comic book series that
is thoroughly modern and Filipino in its approach. Through his
distinctive art and story, Arre imbues his young warriors with a
spunk, spark, and whimsy that resonate with any reader. In The
Mythology Class, Arre gives us a glimpse of all that a truly Filipino
comic book, drawing on all our multifarious influences, can become,
all with a confident and unique style all his own.
Arguably one of the best offerings in the local comic book world. It
is the impact of (The Mythology Class) on the personal level that gets
to me. For me, that is what this comic book does: it is a joy to read,
and an affirmation that we don't have to look elsewhere for a good
not-just-for-kids comics book.
-- Richard Ramos,
High marks for the 'The Mythology Class'! Instead of alluding to
overused characters of Western lore, Arnold Arre draws from the deep
wells of our very own Philippine mythology.
-- Natalia Diaz, Philippine Daily Inquirer,
There's a part of my mind that's more and more convinced that there
are most definitely other worlds that exist along with ours. A dream
world. A spirit world. A world of engkatos and magical beings. It is
in this spirit that I've picked up "the Mythology Class". Arnold
speaks as if he is talking of creatures and people he knows.
-- Karen Kunawicz, Mirror Magazine
What makes (Arnold Arre) different from his comic book contemporaries
is (his) focus. In a genre populated by Western-style characters with
supernatural powers who talk with a Brooklyn slang, Arre exercises his
freedom of choice by making use of our homegrown myth and legends. If
only for the audacity to weave GenX with the elements of Philippine
myths and legends, the man and his work deserve significant notice.
-- Lourd Ernest de Veyra, FLY Magazine
The Mythology Class moves with the delicacy of a classic fantasy
story... Arnold Arre has invited the myths to inhabit our
contemporary, technologically burgeoning world. . .After reading the
book, you, hopefully, won't cross the empty darkened spaces of our
tropical land with the same whimsical ease. See you in class."
-- Karl de Mesa, The Manila Times,
Arnold -
Cynthia -
Neil Gaiman and Arnold Arre (from Cynthia's website)
//** I dont know what time it will start, but i have classes that day and maybe I can drop by there as fast as I can after my 6pm class, I just wanna grab the book coz I havent finish reading it, I think I stopped on Issue 2 or 3. It was one of the best fantasy comic story I read. AND also everybody will be there!!!!.... so here i come! **//
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