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this is bad news! Im having my first pre-hypertension and this is not good, so right now its diet time and no more meat to digest, veggies, fish and low fat food will be my friend today.
here are some notes I read in the net about high blood pressure.
Managing Your High Blood Pressure
Your doctor has told you that you have hypertension, or high blood pressure. Fortunately, while potentially serious over the long term, high blood pressure can be successfully managed using a variety of measures, which include diet, exercise, and the medication your doctor has prescribed for you.
A combination of diet, exercise and medication can help lower your blood pressure; each is important. Remember to take your medication every day, and follow your doctor's instructions exactly.
Medication used to treat high blood pressure usually must be taken over a long period of time.
As you continue to take this medication every day as your doctor has instructed, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do your feet or ankles swell even though you're not on your feet often?
- Are you coughing even though you don't have a cold?
- Do you have headaches more often?
- Do you feel more tired?
- Are you constipated even though you haven't changed the way you eat?
- Do you feel flushed more often even though you're not embarrassed?
- Do you sometimes feel dizzy when you stand up quickly?
- Do you notice changes in your sexual desire or performance even though your lifestyle and relationships haven't changed?
These conditions may or may not be related to your high blood pressure medicine. If you experience any of these or any other problems while taking your blood pressure medication, please call your doctor, nurse, or physician's assistant.
// I began to experience severe headache and nape ache 3 days ago, and I was so sleepy and never got any energy to stand up or sit up. then yesterday I started to have my BP test in school and there they found out that I got 180/80 on the first test and after a minute they tested me again and got 140/80, means that Im on a stage of pre hypertension. so I cursed eating meat and oily, salty foods then I will stay eating the good foods, and labeled the meat as my bad food.. geez...that more beer for me during happy hours :(
when the nurse found out that my blood pressure is not normal they asked me if I still feel some aches, I told them I began to feel some and then they called on the doctor to give me an emergency drug and before taking the drug, they tested my BP again and then found out that my blood is fluctuating like electricity ahhaha.
I guess the heat outside makes my blood pressure rises too.
So eat healthy food and start your diet !!!! //
some notes i got..
// Individuals with so-called pre-hypertension (defined as a blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89) may benefit from lowering of blood pressure by life style modification and possibly medication especially if there are other risk factors for end-organ damage such as diabetes or kidney disease //
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