thats Lace as Story the narf and me as Cleveland Sheep, replacing Heep with Sheep, owner of the Merryland Cove.
hahaaha..that's us after celebrating our anniv. after eating and lying on the bed for 4 days.
thats are lil tribute for Lady in the Water, yesterday I got a chance to watch a vcd and its obvious that I dont have any interest to watch HBO and Cinemax coz yesterday was full of be movies airing and last midnight, I didnt have a clue that the time machine theme movie Im watching is a be movie., yup the characters are nuts when they went back to the past to stop the asassination of JFK.
last Sunday I saw the Expose special in Studio 23 and they featured this flying rods, I went nuts and began to question " what're those things? are they creatures from another planet?"
I started to have goosebumps when they began to investigate that flying rods, is that an insect? an animal? a flying ship ? or a flying rod from another dimension.
this stuff is a lot more interesting to know, and they have lots of video and photos capturing this rods and also they appear in local tv news and commercial. i think this things lived millions of years ago and this time we knew coz we began to discover them,
"Rods are small super fast flying creatures that seem to be invisible to the naked eye. They can be captured on video though. These strange worm like creatures fly through the air like fish swim through water. There is even evidence that Rods may have been known about by ancient peoples in Argentina" - from Apone's Paranormal Page
Last night it was funny that I scared Lace under the blanket, she cried and screamed hahhaha. at first I thought that she was joking, she got scared whenever she covers her self, then I began to peep my one eye under the sheet then if she see's it, she will got scared ahahahha.
she said that my eye looks like from the Ring and The Grudge.
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