Maroon 5 live in Manila concert videos

Whooaaa! bloggers and youtubers are back again in sharing some great coverage material from last night's Maroon 5 concert in Araneta Coliseum, Manila. astig!

Now I'm thinking the same thing for Incubus concert in Manila this coming Sunday. I'm s o excited.

the video above is from badassgail and the shot is great for a digicam. I'm not sure if the venue prohibits people in taking video or pictures, but I'm gonna bring a small camera this Sunday and will attempt a coverage for lifetime memories eehehehe.

there are more videos now in Youtube featuring Maroon 5 Concert in Manila

Check out the blog post of a Music Picks by a music lover blogger, sharing his experience from the concert, theres also a photo of the event in this blog by Ed

and last, check out this video by ax3cfc, he caught Adam Levine singing and counting in Filipino

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Also check the flickr photo set ICEJAMIH for a full photo coverage of the concert

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