I designed my own Nike shoes


Been looking for a kick ass shoes for me, and thanks to my mom for directing me to design my own Nike sneakers using the Nike ID website. It is so easy to use and fun to design your own style, selecting your preferred colors and material to be used. My color is a black sneaker with a purple lining and a white color for the Nike label. And plus!!! I added my full name on my Nike shoes! astig di ba.

for only $110 US, you can wear this and have a unique Nike shoes if you are like me who don't like to wear shoes that everyone have at home hheheh. So sad that the delivery of this custom made shoes is for US only, so if you have relatives in the US, you can ask them to order it for you and let them ship it here in Manila.

The process took around 2 weeks in the US.

check my design here at http://nikeid.nike.com/nikeid/index.jsp?sitesrc=dl_usid&designId=189334387&size=false

more pics at
Nike ID Azrael Coladilla hehheeh