I just observed that some bouncers who are incharge in some events or concerts uses their muscles to much and not their brains. I just observed this many times whenever I will ask for a certain person incharge of the event and they will simply answer that they don't know them, but after understanding the situation and tell them that I like to talk to the people who can help me get the person I'm looking for, they will simply answer that they don't know anyone from the event and don't know who's incharge.And then after finding out that this bouncer guarding the media gate can't really help me, I decided to tell him that I need to go inside and look for the person incharge myself, I will leave my bag and things to him and allow me to enter the event and go back to him at the gate after I got my pass, but then the bouncer guy will just answer, I don't know anyone and I was asked to guard the gate and not anyone enter it.
Ok, got the real problem now, and told him, I'm not interested to talk to you and need to talk the person incharge, paikot ikot lang tayo and I don't want to wait here at gate waiting for nothing. I raised my voice already and it seems that the bouncers with big muscles didn't use his brains in understanding a solution for this problem.
Bouncers at events should be briefed properly,whenever they will deal with special guests, media and celebrities. I just observed from another event that this bouncer guy infront of the stage took us away from the stage area, I told him I'm one of the official person being invited to cover the event, and after that he drag away some photographers out of the front of the stage, I told the bouncer guy that how can we do our work if we stay out of the stage, he said that he got orders from the organizers. Okay I understand after knowing the 'organizers' word, but I told him that I'm interested to talk to the organizer who told you that, then he looked around and said that he don't know the guy organizer. And told him. What if I am the organizer and instruct you to clear all the people infront of the stage, will you do it? then the bouncer guy looked at me and then can't even answer my question.
I mind my own business and take a time to do patintero with the bouncer guy while taking pics. I even saw that he instructed 3 person to go out of the stage, but then these persons are wearing ALL ACCESS ID, then the 3 persons were shocked and asking why would be out of the stage, I think they are one of the special guest of the event or maybe the organizers. I told the bouncer that they should know first what's the ALL ACCESS ID is for, and beside the area is for ALL ACCESS people and not the area for the audience, I told the bouncer guy that they must be the organizers and should not shooo them away.
I know not all bouncers are like that, but I guess the bouncers I encountered maybe their first time to be incharge at the event. But here's a tip, we have to out wit them if ever we need to deal with them.