The Youth Football League 2010 kick off last month organized by The Younghusband Football Academy (TYFA) and Muntinlupa Paranaque Las Pinas Football Association (MPLFA), the two organizations aim to professionalize, develop and also promote the football sport to our Filipino youth, not only or school kids but also with the out of school youths. The launch also is inline in promoting the 1GOAL campaign with VSO Bahaginan, a development organization committed to fighting poverty and disadvantage through a wide range of volunterring development prorams. The 1Goal: Education for All campaign is the official campaign of the 2010 FIFA world Cup, they are using football as a vehicle to promote the campaign globally and ensure that over 72 million children around the world (part of the 6 million are Filipinos) will get a chance to have proper education.
The petition is posted online and invites everyone to sign up and help get more 300 million signatures and have an awareness that education beats poverty. The signatures will be gathered and presented to the world leaders attending the UN Heads of State Summit in New York, USA in September 2010, in order to urge them to prioritize learning and influence policies on education in different countries.
Here in the Philippines, the campaign is leaded by the TYFA founders Phil and James Younghusband, they support the campaign via promoting it with the football sport to realize their dream of helping out of school kids and give them a chance to have education and also do sports. I talked to Phil Younghusband at the launch and he told me that they are heavily promoting football in our land and the 2010 FIFA World Cup really helped in boosting the campaign not only about the sport but also the 1GOAL: Education for all campaign. They are trying to push to make football as a professional career in some schools and hope that in the future we can join in the World cup.
I'm inviting everyone to log on here at
( no need to sign up) and fill up the form and help send children around the world to school.
also check: video blog : interview with Phil Younghusband about 1GOAL : Education for all campaign
more coverage and photos below