5 Reasons Women Should Travel Solo at Least Once

In this age when women strive for excellence and empowerment, traveling alone is an ideal way to gain independence and to go soul-searching.

While traveling is usually done in groups, there is a growing popularity for traveling solo, especially for young working women. Whether it is traveling locally or abroad, there are many places, activities, and accommodations that perfectly suit the modern working woman.
But why should you go solo? Here are five reasons women should travel by themselves at least once.

You Exercise Your Freedom
Back then, a woman going out alone was perceived to be “unlady-like.”. But with the development of technologies such as mobile apps that guide your way when you get lost or help you translate unfamiliar languages, women traveling alone can enjoy their trip without worrying about losing their way.

Traveling alone allows you to create your own itinerary and schedule without having to wait for the approval of others regarding your choices and plans.

While it can be risky and scary being alone in a new place, traveling solo can be a way to enjoy the trip, trying out new flavors and going anywhere you please, anytime you want.

You Learn to be Responsible
Traveling alone teaches you to be independent. Having the accommodation to yourself means freedom and makes your temporary home your own safe and private sanctuary.

Being independent teaches you to be responsible. You take care of yourself, keep your luggage and other stuff safe, and decide on all your plans and schedules during your travel. You even have to consider all your house for rent options in Mandaluyong to land with the one that will be most convenient for your plans.

Traveling solo doesn’t even need to cost much. Women interested in backpacking can take advantage of the affordable price tag of this traveling style. It is an adventurous way to learn independence, to budget wisely, and to be responsible for your well-being. 

You Feel Empowered
Traveling alone can also be a form of empowerment. Back then, young women were expected to be modest and to be compliant with what others say. Now, it is pretty common for young professional women to make decisions for themselves and to accomplish things at their own pace.

This is a way for women to build up their confidence, to think on their feet during dire situations, and to get out of their comfort zones. Embracing your independence and freedom empowers you to be a better, more mature, and wiser woman. 

You Make New Connections
Traveling solo isn’t always about being alone. In fact, being alone in your travels can be a great time to meet new friends and create new connections.

Although meeting the locals and making friends can be a challenge especially if it is your first time traveling, there are certain ways to talk to locals and be immersed with their environment and everyday lives.

Short-term houses for rent in Baguio, for instance, are cost-efficient and known for the cozy and homely atmosphere they give. It is an ideal accommodation for independent women who want to get to know their host or hostess while enjoying comfortable bedrooms and a warm homely environment that also makes traveling alone memorable.

There are various bed-and-breakfast accommodations available in Metro Manila, Tagaytay, Baguio, and Batangas, among other prime destinations in the Philippines.

You Discover Yourself
Traveling alone is a great way to discover oneself, to reconnect with your feelings, and to just rest from all the stress. 

While most people travel for the sake of seeing new places, eating international food, and taking double-tap worthy photos, many women travel alone in order to soul-search. They reflect on themselves and their life goals while appreciating the natural scenery and culture of their destination.

As a whole, women who want to be independent, feel empowered, and go soul-searching should consider traveling alone at least once in their lifetime.