(Mondays to Fridays 6pm on Animax)
The fifth TV series incarnation of the franchise based on the ‘Habako no Kitaro’ (Kitaro of the Graveyard) manga series by renowned artist Mizuki Shigeru in 1959, Spooky Kitaro 5 is a light-hearted, quirky and fun series that follows protagonist ghost child Kitaro and his wacky but kind-hearted ‘yokai’ (spirit-monster) friends. (more below)
Going around protecting humans from ‘yokai’ that cause mischief and harm, Kitaro and his friends take it upon themselves to preserve peace between the two realms. Although missing his left eye, Kitaro has a series of skills and weapons that aid him in his quests. These include remote-controlled sandals, a magical vest that automatically protects him and his friends from danger, strands of hair that can be shot as arrows, a detachable hand and even the power to wield electricity.
Kitaro’s father, although reduced to a walking eyeball by a disease, is very wise and is often able to advise Kitaro on dealing with ‘yokai’ of all sorts. The father-and-son team is joined by an old ‘yokai’ lady who blinds opponents with sand thrown at their eyes; an old ‘yokai’ man who can transform into a rock to pin enemies to the ground; a piece of ‘yokai’ cotton cloth that flies the team around like a magic carpet; a wall-like ‘yokai’ who shields his friends from harm; as well as the amusing ‘rat-man’ who tags along in search of riches, and is never afraid to betray the team for his own gains.