Transit of Venus (June 6, 2012 Philippines) photo coverage

Here's my photo coverage of the astro event of the century.

I set my alarm at 5:30am last night, but I failed to wake up on time and I went out of the bed at around 8am, I set up my Olympus E520 DSLR with 40-150mm telephoto lens and grabbed 4 sunglasses. I used my red sunglasses to protect my eyes and the other 3 sunglasses to act as filters. I took some shots but I got one good photo of the Sun behind a cloudy sky. It was hard to notice Planet Venus as a black dot infront of the sun, as the news say, the Venus will just be a black pimple of the Sun.

I took some shots again at around 10am and I borrowed my wife's X-ray film to view the sun and it is just perfect. The best view is around 10am-12nn, because the sun will be in its highest position and also the hottest, there will be no clouds today. I noticed that the planet Venus moves from the left corner going upwards. While in the US, and other countries the Planet Venus moves from the right corner going to the left.

Here are some photos. I'll update this blog and post more photos every hour.

The Sun and Venus at 8am

at 10am

at 10am

at 10am
