Starbucks just started to have a very interesting topic in their Dialogues series and now with guest astrophycist Dr. Daniel Holz of Los Alamos National Laboratory (New Mexico, USA), he is a graduate of Princeton with a degree in Physics and got his Masters from the Univ. of Chicago and received his Ph.D from Albert Einstein Inst. in Porsdam, Germany.
He shared to us his research and also on study about the birth of the universe, its elements, shape and its age. It was a nosebleed moment for me to understand and also discover about our universe, I felt that I'm watching a live tv broadcast of National Geographic or Discovery Channel. Dr. Daniel Holz delivers a strong knowledge to everyone who are present in Starbucks Jupiter st. Makati branch and some say that their experience is much more better than attending that Al Gore forum few days ago, and I joke around and said that Dr. Holz should be talking in a bigger audience and have it in SMX venue. ( read more below)
I just learned that there is no center of the universe, we believe from years of understanding our heavenly bodies that the Earth is the center of the universe, Dr. Holz said that the big bang incident in which is the birth and start of everything, didn't pin point exactly where and the big bang explosion could occur on the side and not entirely have its own center. And as of now, we don't have any proof or basis or even pin point the exact location of the center of the universe, but we sometimes declare that Earth is the center, because we see everything around us. I also heard that multiverse really exist and that's the very creepy part, and now I wonder what will be my multiverse counterpart looks.
The universe is not round, or spherical, and it is flat and infinite. This was the big debate after his talk, although that I missed a lot of information and I arrived late in the event, and heard from old folks who were present that time, they tried to be on their books and tried to contradict with our Dr. Holz, its funny when the old guy in front me laugh loudly when Dr. Holz gave an answer that there is no center of the universe, he even challenge him to show a mathematical equation of it. But then the old guy went up after the talk and whispered to the next guy and said "this is not tech club isn't it?".
My experience there is awesome, I just wish that there will be another session with the same topic and really love to hear from our experts. Kinda sucks that I missed a lot of talks, but as they say, the Q and A was more interesting and our guest really give a believable answer. over all.. it really makes sense now.
more pics in my album at