I was at the Bloggers night conference inside Asian Business Expo 2008 to conduct a talk and sort of a seminar to non- bloggers. I invited bloggers to join with me to have a sharing moment and give lecture to everyone about blogging and also video blogging. I like to thank everyone who came and listen to our talk, although that the audience is not that big, I'm still happy that many stayed till 9pm and listened to all speakers.
For my notes, I'll be listing some of the topics I discussed from the conference.
here's my script, funny that I'm into events organizing and as a program director, I created my own script and program guide, read more below.
Blogs, Blogging, and Bloggers
1. Intro
2. Popular blogs
3. What is a blog
4. Reasons for blogging - Personal, business, hobby, entertainment
5. Guest bloggers
6. Evolution of blogs and bloggers
- introduce self
- ask and talk to audience about their views on blogs or to talk about their blog
- ask who wants to blog and what keeps them from starting a blog
- ask who want to learn more about blogging
- who wants to earn and build reputation through blogging
- blogging as a career
- intro again
Blog Examples
- show examples of blogs
- with urls
- different kinds of blogs
- wholesome blogs
- screenshot of blogs
“Blog” in a nutshell
- start with a question “what is a blog”
- not a definition of terms…
- explain the kinds of definition or meaning of blogs
- show them videos of bloggers, saying what is a blog.
Reasons and benefits of blogging
- explain each categories
- show some examples
- share some success stories
- tips and advice
Guest Bloggers
-feature each blogger speakers
-examples of their blogs
Evolution of blogs and bloggers
- share your observation as a blogger to your self
- show pics of blog events
- happy pics
What is a blog ?
here are some definition from some bloggers. And yes blog is like an online journal were you can write and document yourself and everything that interacts with you, expressing your self, sharing thoughts and experience. But blogs is more than a diary or journal, it is now reached the other side like it can be a corporate website, portfolio and personal domain. Independent publishing now reaches the internet and much easy to share and express the publisher experience to the open public.
What are bloggers?
Bloggers are the people behind the blogs, they are the writers and author or owner of the blogs or website. The word bloggers is every hot today, because this is the official title for a person who writes and share its article in the online community. Blogger can be tag as a new media person, who cover events, write story and shout out its opinion via the freedom of speech.
Blogging ?
The act of writing and sharing the posted article online which can be viewed by the public. Blogging is also art, like writing poems, short stories, essays and articles. Blogging can be indoors or outdoors, you can still do blogging via sms or mobile message and posted it in your blogs.
More into blogs
Blog can be a time capsule were you store all of your experience and it serves as your memory bank, I too search and go back to my old entries just to refresh myself, if ever I want to look back and check out my past. Blogging is also a hobby, it can be for entertainment or amusement. Blog is for business, were you can reach people easy via posting regular updates and reach the online target market. It can be career and you can earn money from it via advertisers and sponsors.
Evolution of blogs and bloggers
Since March 2008, I'm conducting a study and also observing on what will be the next step for bloggers, and after joining lots of online communities and events, I started to figure out that blogging and blogs are the next new thing for the market. Bloggers who blog anything for their blogs, can discover many things about themselves, even the people who can't write properly or post a good photograph material, can now train themselves and learn more on how they will enhance more this new skill. And by these new found skills, these bloggers can go with the flow with professionals and practice more to make it better. A regular bloggers can be photographer, a writer, a video editor, videographer, concept developer, adviser and many more.
Myself is a great example for discovering new skills, like writing and doing events management. I discover that by just writing, reading, talking to people, the learning process never stops there, you should continue till you get new knowledge. Bloggers in the past stayed at home and others go anonymous, but today bloggers are much more exposed and out going compared in the past. And because that there are already bloggers event, this is the best venue to go offline and meet other bloggers in person. Awards and recognition to blogs and bloggers are now emerging, giving importance on each accomplished mission and public service to readers and co-bloggers.
Bloggers mascots and merchandise are forming and it adds another form of entertainment and interactivity. Merchandise serve as to boost up more the power of writing and publishing, also a fund drive to continue the bloggers ability to support the expense for the blogging activity. Content of blogs are now serves as reference and supporting articles, information posted in blogs are now in demand, because of the detailed content and accuracy, that works only to some known and publicly posted blogs, rather than posted by anonymous individuals ( just my observaton only)
Blogs are now the future of independent publishing and also it is open to anyone and everyone can be part of it. No need to pay anything or enroll to a school, blogging yourself to the public is like opening a book of your life to everyone or sharing on what's on your head and feelings.
I shared this as representing myself and not the entire blog community, hope no one is offended on my notes and I'm just sharing to everyone on what I have learned and discovered on why blogs are more popular and IN today. - Thank you!
more photos in my album at Blogs and Video Blogging @ Asian Business Expo 2008
and also check out the blog aftermath coverage and also speaker's key notes by
Gerry Alanguilan
Ed Arevalo
Chris Aquino
Misyel Coladilla
Juned Sonido
Fitz Villafuerte
Jonel Uy