I finally visited the doctor, because I thought that my elbow injury will be healed after 2 months, but the pain starts to go worst as time goes by, this is no longer an ordinary injury, so I went to Medical City to have my elbow examined by a professional doctor. Last Friday, I was in Ortigas and that’s my schedule and plan, to visit the doctor after attending an event. With the use of my Medicard membership, the doctor’s consultation and medic performance to my elbow is all free, but I bought my own medication because it is not covered by the Medicard membership.
(pic source)
I was correct after all, my elbow injury is “tennis elbow injury”, it’s the rip of tendon that connects to my elbow and arm. I got this after I slipped from that slippery playground in Mind Museum in BGC, I was about to check if the giant bubble playground is safe for my son, but then I slipped and injured my arm and elbow.
The doctor suggested that my elbow should be injected with a steroid, because its helpful to kill the pain and also help me to rehabilitate my elbow. It was rainy that afternoon and major traffic in metro Manila. I decided to go for the procedure and let the doctor inject the steroids into my elbow.
It was scary and painful at first injection of the needle, I didn’t felt a thing because the steroids were mixed with an anesthesia. I felt dizzy and sick after the injection, the pain in my elbow is gone, but I can feel the after pain into my shoulder and arms. The doctor said that it will go numb and sometimes painful for 4 days, so I need to rest my arm and not do any heavy work.
I researched on the net that healing of my tennis elbow will take up to 12 weeks or 1 year.
so crap!!! no outdoor adventure and carrying of heavy bags when I travel.
hay… kainis, pero im glad that surgery is not the final option. so thanks doc!
here are some photos from last Friday’s sufferings.

my arm..I just noticed that my lower arm is already swollen because of the pain from the elbow

In Medicard Clinic inside Medical City.

waiting for my turn.. I’m glad that I arrived on time,because the doctor is present here every Mon and Fri, from 4pm-5:30pm only.

The doctor gave a prescription, and then I went to the hospital’s pharmacy to buy the steroids and needle. I got the steroids but the pharmacy ran out of needles…oh great! I reported this at Medicard and I’m glad that they gave needles for my injection treatment.
I hate needles and injection…before the procedure.. I called God for some strength haahah
yeah..I pray a lot.. because I’m scared of injections. especially when the needle will hit my upper elbow.

It was a tough commute ride from Medical City going to SM Megamall. I was sick and felt dizzy when I went out of the hospital. I’m glad that the rain stopped and a FX shuttle stopped infront of me, I rode the FX going to SM Megamall. I started to get cold and sick because of the cold and rainy weather. I went to SM Foodcourt to recover myself and power up my body with this hot and spicy Ramyun noodles that I bought in SM Foodcourt.
Then I smoothly rode the Bus going to Coastal terminal and then rode another bus to Cavite.
I felt abnormal that day….maybe because of the anesthesia… and thank God that there’s no traffic along the way in south bound highway and its easy to ride the bus that Friday night.

That’s me and my poor elbow…rehabilitating back to its normal health
As of this blog post – its my 3rd day and I feel no pain when I lift a coffee mug, but I can still feel the pain whenever I stretch or use the laptop for hours.
I hope this will not be the start of my deterioration….
but what the heck…. its still a challenge accepted!