i attended our presscon for the Star Wars Convention, it was held inside SanMig restaurant in Alabang Town Center. It looks fun. it was like that we are selling something to these press people. They enjoyed our talked about Toy collecting, run by Vic Yap and Lou Garcia of Collectibles Unlimited. Gary Mayoralgo on Comic Art talk, and Meann Ortiz on talk about Star Wars Phil. I didnt talk to the press anything but i help the group explaining about fan films. coz we showed some star wars fan film via Laptop and Projector.
After the lunch we proceed to the venue to map around the exact location of our stuff. Gary designed a new layout for the Jedi Academy, 3 more days to go for Star Wars con.
Horror in Makati
I was in ARiel's studio doing some net stuff for the con. JAclyn invited me to a dinner. i went to her office, that was 11pm. I was freaking out when I rode that elevator. i was paranoid a little bit. thinking that or i feel that someone is with inside the elevator. damn...thats the result of watching too much ASian Horror flicks.
Dine Time
its fun to be with Jaclyn again. thanks !
miss ya so much. i think our last dine out was last last year.
Pics mo!
Azrael making pa-cute to Barbie of Dream TV aehehehheha
Vic Yap giving tips on toy collecting
Toy Showcase of Lou Garcia
Wilbur of Dream TV