Az and Lace Adventures continues..
last saturday was a busy and fun day-night for the two of us as we marathon our way going to DLSU-to my place-the venue and back.
We enjoyed the event during the whole day as I stock up my stomach lots of food from the Tabemono Fest and listen to the rock music at the Animo Rockathon - which was the unofficial name of the event, but it was the main plan for the title, but the DLSU groumates of Lace used the "Ultimate BANDing Experience" title, which is not too cool for i changed it to "Animo Rockathon:Ultimate Band Experience".. some people mis read it as Ultimate BADing Experience..eaahahah..
during the end of the week, Lace told me the origin of her name.and she said that the name Lace came from the American Gladiator character muscle girl named Lace aka Marisa Pare.
Eat like a japanese
one of my favorite food is the Japanese food, the taste and smell of the food really works and fuel my soul, every time i can hear the word 'japanese', my mind is starting to think of Food..and not all anime.
Juujiro Organization Inc. pulled a successful cultural awareness like the Tabemono Festival: Japanese Food Festival, these people should get more support for conducting a cool cultural exchange event and they promised next year that the event they are organizing will be bringing the japanese culture,tradition, festivities here in our country. A very big deal of event organizing... but its fun.
I've been to some japanese festival here in Manila, and that was way back 5 years ago in Manila Japanese School in Paranaque, but i no longer heard any news about their next fest.
Liida cooking demo
The Tabemono Festival begins with the cooking demo of each members and then after the cooking a taste test was given to all audience, and i love this part...eating.....each guest is given a one set of bento box for free, eat all you can ahhhaha. but save the comments later and start filling those hungry stomach by homemade japanese grub.
Ramen eating contest, Lico ramen monster
after that, Extreme Ramen Eating Contest, Lico Reloj joins the contest and won 3 times, and beats Beige of 7Thursday during the final round as they won a tie in round 2. Onigiri (rice ball) was the coolest food, those japanese rice in a triangle shape filled with apple cubes and meat... during the audience participation, Lico volunteered and made a GODZILLA Onigiri.
people went there to see the recipe exchange and learn the basic way to cook japanese food. The most awaited event was the On the spot Japanese cooking contest, which me and my team - Beige of 7Thursday and Neil of Rotschreck won the 1st place in the cooking contest beating Master Chef Lico, AJ-zone and X other members of 7Thursday band.
we won the contest as I got the right taste of the Beef Misono..which is not too salty and the beef cooked in medium
impressed my honey Lace in my style of cooking ehheh.
check out the photo coverage by Kara aka Bootgurl
Animo Rockers!
fast break in Megamall, me and Lace dropped by at the Megamall Foodcourt to rest and let her to have some ice cream which is one her favorite, and after that we rushed our way going to Malate for the Animo Rockathon.
Luna and Aids...We Kick Ass For the Lord
we already felt tired when we got there in Indo's Bar and my concerns for the band is to have a nice play and go home after they performed. first shot was We Kick Ass For the Lord, Luna and Aids rocked playing astig guitar riffs a "take me out" by Franz Ferdinand and some original songs.
Rotshreck..high jrocking atmosphere
Rotshreck jrocking mode slams the evening with heavy guitars of Dire en Grey as they were supported and cheered by some of their jrock fans,
then the Purplechcikens still rules my night . I missed their gigs and im glad that i saw them live again..and thanks to them for having a live act for this charity event. sad part is that the 7Thursday and Late Isabel didnt performed coz one of their members are sick...but its okay their continued support for charity and music never fades.
it was a great night...sweet night..and loving night for the two of us..
i dont want to wake up again..if this is a dream..
but im thankful...that it is real..
check out my photo coverage here
log in to to view pics
Kara and Lace
Theater play and comics
this is the result if we merge some comics and theater plays, thanks and congratulations to Nautilus comics for the success of thei comic launching of Issue 3 last week in Powerbooks Greenbelt. and thanks for the goodie bag set of CAST and SIGLO.
CAST comics is a teen series story of a boy and his classmates.friends highschool adventure, from entering the audition for the King Arthur play to the rehearsal and falling in love. i havent read the 3rd issue coz i havent finished reading the 2nd issue, but all i can say that each issue shares a moral lesson to the reader and gives idea bit by bit about theater play, im glad that i have this coz im planning to direct a theater play next year and this comics serves as my reference before i enter that theater art workshop.
It was like a Artists' Den meet up that night, Jaclyn Lim, Jonas Diego, Ariel Atienza, Ludz Sacramento, Elbert Or chit chat night for all of us, discussing same topics and new ideas for the coming term. and it will be great contribution for the nation for having this kind of Art stuff.
Download Zone
i just uploaded some stuff i've been working on the past weeks
and check it out here
Lastikman the movie
starring Mark Bautista and Sarah Geronimo
its a very teeny movie and i miss the Vic Sotto version of Lastikman, in this version of Mark Bautista a new costume for the new hero and the story if lot more different in the comics and the previous movie.
click right click on your mouse and 'save target as'
Lastiman movie 2004 trailer part 1
Lastiman movie 2004 trailer part 2
been doing this commercial video editing for Lace's school project, and i help her in doing the editing and it serves also a practice for my editing and directing skills ek are some samples of my edit a hard time in editing for they have short script and footages. but on the other side i made some ideas to make it as a commercial ad. and an example here is a Modess commercial. starring Lace and her classmates.
Lace Modess commercial 1
Lala Modess commercial 2
my editing is a little bit crappy and you can recognize how rush i did it. wehehehee....
and here's my first attempt for a Anchor Butter spread commercial ad
very funny..coz i did the voice over for the commercial ad.. note: this is only for a school project and not the official commcercial ad of the product.
Anchor Butter commercial ad
Agent Smith our live video during our live performance in UP Bahay ng Alumni, in the video we performed our original song title" Anata ga Daisuki" an electronica -ish sound type
Agent Smith Live in UP Bahay ng Alumni - Anata ga Daisuki performance
many are already asking for an mp3 download of our songs...maybe next week we will upload a demo mp3 samples of our original compositions.