the pasta party was great! we stuffed our stomachs with pasta as the event organizer promised us, and oh yeah! there were 3 different kinds of sauce and 2 kinds of pasta, I enjoyed the day even that I'm late, I found them out all watching Lord of the Ring DVD and then after the pasta we drowned ourselves of coke and then I'm figthing with a ninja using a fork to eat that cake. its was a yummy and 'busog' day.
while on the other side of the land, Lace has her own Pasta Party, she went to the dentist with her sister and have this pasta job on her tooth,. ahaahha...look at that. we have our own pasta party and day..and yes..its a pasta pasta pasta day!
and for that...I like to say thanks to you dude for the party.
after the and the carbonara monster went to his place to check out some stuff there and then went to Gateway mall, our invasion of Gateway mall was great! we visited the Batman show, too bad my colleagues left already and then was invited to a packed up tomorrow. and then drinking..and eating.
while walking I saw this poster..and ohhh boy, too bad I cant come to see this, but if some lucky dude read this...go out and go to Gateway this Sunday!
The rain poured like hell, and every place in Cubao is flooded both of us are like going to act like Spider-man climbing walls just to avoid those stinky floods, lucky us that theres this brave tricycle to pick us up out of the sinking pavement.
and then I went home with my stomach like in world war 3, so stuffed with foods and after that Beef ramen treat out by the carbonara monster. and glad that im home
and meet my pizza monster partner tomorrow for a movie day out before my back to school blues..weeee..i miss her so much