email from the Sandman

I was having a rough day today coz its my exam week. I met up with Lace to have lunch near her school and after that I went back to my class to take the exam, after my 2nd class I went to the nearest internet shop to kill time.

and when I opened my inbox.

Neil Gaiman emailed me! and it was awesome! and he reads my blog!!
thanks so much Mr. Neil Gaiman, it was a pleasure to meet you and thanks for the once in a lifetime experience to be with you and near you for 3 days. Its funny that everyone didnt got a chance to meet you, but I got lucky and this event will be memorable.

whew! after reading his email i got stunned and shock. hm.its like eating my favorite pasta and enjoying the sunshine at the garden full of flowers.

here's his email to me

From: Neil Gaiman <----------->
Reply-To: Neil Gaiman <------------>
Date: Jul 13, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: thanks

Just wanted to thank you for the blogging -- thanks to you Noli got his wonderful statue back (signed), and I learned that the nice man next to me at the sinks in the mall was Arnold Arre, whose art I had been admiring a few hours earlier. (And I wished he'd introduced himself.)

anyway, good job --

all best


I thought that my Gaiman hang over is done, but because of his email, my blood has rushed again and im super hyper! and now..because of this cool event, I'll buy and read all his works!

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Kat said…
At least now Arnold wouldn't be forever known to Neil as "the guy I met in the toilet."

Wow. ^_^
Azrael Coladilla said…
i hope arnold reads his email
Anonymous said…
oh fuck this. tanginert! ang swerte mo!!! :D
Tobie said…
Anonymous said…
waaaaah... I'm so jealous. T__T

I was there... somewhere near the end of the line outside Gateway coz I got there 4pm since I had classes in the morning until 3:30pm. Darn... 6:30pm and I'm still outside the mall... the line moved soooo slowly, like a few feet every thirty minutes or so... I decided to go home, baka mapagalitan na eh... in short, I didn't get to meet him... waaaaah... T___T now I'm thinking that maybe I should have just skipped classes that day...
Azrael Coladilla said…
ok lang yan dawn.
pero sana nag stay ka pa din sa line..sayang naman yung pag pila mo
Anonymous said…
I know... T__T but I had to go home coz I still had to study for a Botany long test and Chemistry quiz that night... *sigh* Me want to kill myself...
Anonymous said…
wow! I'm so envious of you right now! :)

Anonymous said…
wow! I'm so envious of you right now! :)

Camy said…, i truly believe that somehow, you are blessed with incredible luck and an amazing ability to connect with people.

grabe, for someone like THE MAN to thank's not just pasta, sunshine or nice must be an incredible cloud nine experience...

til the next event!
Camy said…
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MC said…
Thanks Az for posting the coverage from the Transfomers Philippines site. I guess that reminded Neil who he met in the washroom and the statue that he liked. I'm happy for the people who Neil met. Your on top of the world Az congrats. Next month na lang yung hinihingi mo from the TFPh Boys. :D
Ed said…
Best friends kayo! Naks! :D

Unknown said…
that is soooo cool! :)
Anonymous said…
YEAH!!! You rock, Kuya Az!!! :D :D :D