I just participated in an online chat, which It was very unexpected for me while Im doing some work here but when I check the guest list, it was Boyd Shermis Visual FX director and he had done films like Poseidon, Batman Forever, Speed, Face Off, Gone in 60 Seconds and Swordfish.
I dont know him but im very much familiar to the movies, and all I say is that every film with VFX are cool! I was there online reading his answers from members of artzone.com (includes me) and all of it are very inspiring and also he gave us a short talk about their process of scanning big objects like plane, scanning it and he said that he takes 3 months off after completion of a project. He just mentioned about teamwork and the tiring 24/7 nature of work but it pays off when you see the final product.
They discuss some technical part which Im not so familiar, but with that chat I began to know its process in VFX. and he said that his philosophy in doing special effects in movies, is shooting stars and ultimately settling for the moon. ......
funny thing is that when this chat session started, I entered the wrong room first hahhaaha
and the only word that I say to him was... Thanks Boyd.
ahhahaa I'll prepare next time!!!