and its hard to live the whole day having those. it occured last night, were i felt uncomfortable in myself and then getting weak. it was the night for a press screening for the I AM LEGEND movie and DARK KNIGHT prologue in SM MOA IMAX. and during the whole movie. I always burp and my tummy bubbles inside were you can hear it when you are close to me. im glad that we are in IMAX and the sound of the theater didn't disturbed my seat mate. well, for Lace. she notices and keep on telling me to stop it. but the problem is that I can't stop it, because it will kill me if I didn't burp, but im doing that in a silent way.
then comes the worst part after the end of movie, i speed up to the rest room to dispose this bad feeling and then it weakened me and i just discovered that it is dyspepia. back here at home my sister told me that i maybe got into a "bati" or "usog", i just dont know what other medical term shall i use for that, it is plainly superstitious to others, but i know it occur to my sometimes whenever a person i know or a stranger greeted me and there it will give me bad feeling and get sick. i just dont know how to describe it or explain it but Filipino blog readers will understand it and I know some of you are familiar of the term usog or bati.
now im still recovering, just ate an apple for a dinner today, just to make my tummy feel better and the korean noodle just helped me sweat and drop my fever for a short while.
its great that i survive the screening last night and me continue to battle this flu at home.
im worried because the month of december and january are the months for me in getting sick.
just to cheer me up a little, i just played around this magmypic site and here it is

as in bitin! hehehehe
digitally made for IMAX
too bad not that in 3D