Free Comic Book Day is here again!!! and I'm so excited to plug this in my blog because Comic Odyssey is hosting another year of giving away of FREE comics to all store visitors and comic fans. Last year was the best year for Free Comic Book Day or FCBD, and it was participated by lots of comics titles from the USA and all of the FCBD special printed comics were given for free to all people who will visit the store this May 2, 2009.
The FCBD is happening every year in every 1st Saturday of the month of May, and here in the Philippines we are now celebrating it every year. I think this is the third successful year for the Free Comic Book Day Philippines event, and last year it was the first ever FCBD event to be broadcasted via a live video streaming and it was participated and viewed by international comic artists, writers and comics fans, who just got experience FCBD in their area and also got a close look on how we celebrate FCBD here in our country.
So for this year, I will do another round of live video streaming coverage and also do live twitter and plurk post on what's happening inside the store.
As Gerry Alanguilan said in his blog post "Insanity on Free Comic Book Day 2009!", yes its an insanity! because our top Filipino Comic book creators will be there and I almost cried to see the guest roster of comic book creator for this year. I know every comic fan will be happy to see this global event happening again for this year. You can meet the creators there and have your comics signed by them, just make sure that the comics you will bring is created by them.
Now time to contact my media friends to cover this big big big big FREE comic book day.
just save the date!
Free Comic Book Day Philippines
May 2, 2009
12 noon - 4PM only
at the Comic Odyssey, Robinsons Galeria (2nd floor infront of Red Ribbon)
Raffle prizes will be given every half hour of the event, so better register at the event and claim your number stumb before falling in line.
Featuring special Guest artists:
Leinil Yu
Gerry Alangguilan
Ed Tadeo
Stephen Segovia
Mico Suayan
Noah Salonga
Harvey Tolibao
Gilbert Monsanto
Wilson Tortosa
Kajo Baldisimo
Jay David Ramos
Elbert Or
Budjette Tan
Romulo Fajardo
Jan Michael Aldeguer
and many more!!!!!! ( believe me..this will be like a comic book convention hahaha)
Also the event is also accepting sketch requests or drawing
if you want a sketch or drawing of a character done by the artists listed above
you may contact the Sandy Sansolis of Comic Odyssey for details and availability of the artists, you may email him at
Comic Odyssey website -
you can also check out my coverage from 2008 Free Comic Book Day Philippines here
and check out the video of Hugh Jackman, movie actor and star for X-men Origins: Wolverine, inviting everyone and explains about the Free Comic Book Day
video source from