Transformers Revenge of the Fallen "It's On.." from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.
There's this movie premiere of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen tonight in SM Megamall Cinema, and it looks like a press screening by the MTRCB. I didn't got any invitation from it, but heard that the ticket invitations are limited and not sure if this is a red carpet premiere of the movie. There will be also a premiere night tomorrow at SM North Edsa Cinema 4 at 7pm, I will be there with Lace and my 3 friends and will watch the premiere there and that will sound like a red carpet kinda feel for the movie here in the Philippines.I still also have a special screening on June 24th, at 7pm in Gateway mall, event by Jollibee. I'm not really sure if the movie is available in D-cinema or digital cinema, because I got a heads up that there's no available D-cinema screening at SM North Edsa, and I'm not sure if a digital hard drive is here for the D-cinema. And I just for a confirmation that there is no IMAX premiere for the movie, and it maybe that all seats and dates are reserve for the regular screening for the June 24th.
Everyone is already hyped about the movie, and some people are killing each other just to get the toys and a premiere ticket ahahaha, its so funny because fan boys are into that, and I'm lucky to have 2 screenings and will use it, and good thing that is FREE. I'm still thinking if ever I will wear a Transformers shirt or the official GI JOE movie shirt for the premiere tomorrow. I was wondering to see of my old Transfans friends there, but I'll just see that as a surprise on who will be at the premiere tomorrow night. A friend also went to the premiere tonight in Megamall, and wow he is so lucky to watch the movie first and I'm excited for his comments and review. I will blog and do a review of the movie as soon as I leave the cinema, will do live mobile blogging and will post my updates and also post pictures of the premiere of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Above is a trailer that I found embeded at Michael Bay's blog, while photos below of Arcee and a movie still is from the fan movie blog site

Finally Arcee is revealed and it looks like the rumor of having 3 robots forming into one Arcee is only rumor. And thanks for the CGI leak images of Arcee. Transfans girls will sure love this. Also beware of spoilers of the films in some blog sites and youtube. There are final scenes of the movie and all of it are posted somewhere online, don't dare watch it and wait til the main show date.
Are you excited?
I'm planning to giveaway a premiere ticket for tomorrow. I just don't know how, maybe post a comment below and we'll see. I'm still going to check if we can score a ticket for you, but we are not yet sure.
Btw, check out the Jollibee Kiddie meals, they have Transformers toys now! oh boy! what a beauty, little toy transformers into vehicles and robots, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide and Starscream are available. I just saw this in Glorietta and the toys are so small.
kids, grab it while they are hot
adults, grab it while the kids are busy this weekday.
here's a photo from Boyet

check out above the sneak preview schedules in all SM Cinemas starting 5pm onwards
answer the simple question and WIN A Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Premium items!
visit for more details