Today is the big day, because my event Otaku Kingdom is finally here and looks like we have a great sun this Sunday. I'm still at home preparing my items and re-charging all batteries and making my self in condition, got a bad stomach ache the whole afternoon yesterday and I think its time for me to avoid some unhealthy food.
I feel that its thesis time again, this is my oral defense. Making events is like having your own thesis.
I'm excited to see the national fireworks competition and also the Speed Racer ride at Rialto.
It's just so sad that I can't go to 5th Komikon today, and will miss its big transformation hosting the event in Megatrade Hall. Komikon is like a lost son to me, an event that I created during its rise and birth in the year 2005, I'm happy on its big change and congrats to the Artists Den for making it big. I'm a big comics fan and now I'll miss and will try to catch up on all those new comics releases today. If you have time , go drop by to Megatrade Hall 3.
And as for me... will head straight to Enchanted Kingdom and celebrate an awesome day with fellow Otakus!
Otaku Kingdom power up!