There are many problems today that related to the health of our kids, and because the environment is changing so fast that result to some lifestyle health problems to kids, when it comes to unhealthy eating, lack of physical activities and lack of sleep, these are some common problems we face (and even when I was a kid) that our little boys and girls have and we are very strict that we should monitor them and teach them the right way.
I remember when my mom told me eat this, and my auntie is very strict to her kids when it comes to afternoon nap time and night sleep, because the immune system of each kid should develop well when as they grow up, they need to eat the right food, do some physical activities and have a good sleep. This will prevent lots of diseases and body health problems. We give them some immunity boosters that will more of their immunity foundation, which I started to understand why my mom gives me lots of vitamins every day, and now I'm becoming a father, I should know more about these Immunity Foundation.
There's a website called and its a helpful website for all if you want to know more about how we can protect our kids to harmful diseases and boost up their immunity foundation of their body. Visit for lots of info and articles about our kid's health and notes from experts.