and now, we like to share more news and some ways to receive more free OREO and all you have to do is play a flash game at the official website,, and you have two kinds of flash games to play with during your free online hours, the game is so easy and fun to play, I even laugh here at home in looking at the crying kid in the "Bonding Puzzle game"and then there's this strategy and puzzle game that involves moving the position of boxes in the "Twist, Lick, Dunk" game.
to play the game for free, you have to register and then log in to your account,
after a successful game in every level, you will be awarded by a OREO pack that will be added in your account. Its up to you if you want to play more or stop the game and claim your OREO in the 7Eleven outlet you have chosen.
here's the game Twist, Lick and Dunk
you need to drag the Twist-Lick-Dunk boxes and place them in the "?" boxes, so that the falling OREO can land in your last box and hit space bar to drop the OREO in a glass of milk. After a successful run in this level, you will advance in a much more difficult puzzle. Each boxes has special moves if an OREO drops on it, like the Twist box that can bounce the OREO in mid air.
The Bonding Puzzle is the most enjoyable and fun part to play with. I laugh at every minute when I see that kid crying. The kid is hungry and your task is to feed him and get a chance to get the attention of his mom by dragging those objects located in the kitchen. The agenda here is that the mom and kid should sit on the table and eat their OREO. On level one, drag the milk to the kid, if he gets hungry, feed him with the loaf of bread and apple, the kid will sit on the table and will cry because he wants more, feed him some milk, if he doesn't like the milk, give the milk to the mom and she will drink a glass of it and prepare an additional glass, she will sit down and will ask for the OREO, drag the OREO to the kid and then they will have a great bonding time. If you do it right, you will advance on the next level and have more free OREO.
visit and get your free OREO at