RIM just announced the launch of the new BlackBerry 6 operating system in their smartphone line, and it debuted on the new BlackBerry Torch smartphone, the new Os delivers a fresh, approachable and engaging experience that is powerful and easy to use with its new redesigned interface that works like a touch screen and trackpad, with expanded messaging capability, can manage social media and RSS feeds, with an advance multimedia tools that can match the best smartphone in the industry, equipped with the new Universal Search tool that can search everything on your phone and also on the web, and a Web-Kit based browser that renders the web pages faster. (more info below)
I have tried other phones with touch screen and keypad features, but the BlackBerry Torch with BlackBerry 6 out match them with its new and powerful features, and in other end, this is a smartphone that can carry multiple task.
We showed you a video on how the BlackBerry 6 works, and you can watch it here video: new BlackBerry 6
Many people told me that it works for a touch screen phone, others say it will be for a unit with trackpad, but didn't know that it works in both features. The flow of the screen in the BB 6 Os has a sleek visuals and natural fluid navigation, many BB users got impressed and they want to upgrade after its release (as I got into conversation with other BB users), the new interface will make the user more productive and enjoy the use of any input interface, touch screen or keypad or trackpad.
according to BB 6 pr:
"BlackBerry 6 offers multiple views that help users better organize their applications and content. Icons are arranged on the Home Screen in 5 customizable views (All, Favorites, Media, Downloads and Frequent) that are navigable with simple swipes. Users can organize where they want their icons to appear, and can add contacts or web page shortcuts directly to the Home Screen.
Also new to BlackBerry 6 are visually-rich, context-sensitive Action Menus. Within a given application, by clicking and holding the trackpad or through an extended touch of the display, users can bring the most common actions or tasks of an application to the surface. In addition, users can seamlessly multitask by holding down the Menu key, which pops up a visual grid of all the applications currently running, so users can instantly switch between applications.
A powerful Universal Search tool is also accessible from the Home Screen. By simply clicking or tapping the Universal Search icon, users can search for any content on their handset, the web or in the new BlackBerry App World™, which is also integral to BlackBerry 6. "
My prediction might be that new BB Torch user might get very uncomfortable in using both input interface, because I experienced the same thing when I used a touch screen-slider phone, and I wish that I can try this smartphone and post a review here. But I know the visuals of the BB 6 Os will add more fun using the BB Torch.
As for the social Feeds, the apps manages all kinds of social networks and RSS feeds, it intergates like the old BB models to Black Berry Meseenger, Facebook, Twitter, IM, GTalk, Windows Live, YM and other apps. I'm also focus on the new BlackBerry Desktop Software 5 that intergrates and sync all kinds of media files from photo to video. You can play iTunes and Windows Media files, and you can enable the Wifi Music Sync, were you can lsiten and sync to your home Wifi network and automatically downloads the song to your smartphone. They also have the Podcast app that will make users create their audio and video podcast that can be saved and viewed on the smartphone and upload it in Youtube.
BlackBerry Torch will be availale in the USA on August 12, 2010 and other countries will follow after some months. The new BB 6 OS will be available in the future for BB Bold 9700, BB Bold 9650 and BB PEarl 3G and other future BB smartphones.
check out the specs here at http://www.blackberry.com/6