Christmas is here and the preparation for the traditional Noche Buena is also on the top of the list this holiday season, we know that food is the numero uno thing that comes into our mind, having a full tummy and eating delicious food makes us happy and having this CDO Holiday Ham on our table will make our year more complete. I don't have any knowledge when it comes to buying ham, and at the event of CDO Holiday Ham at Felix restaurant, I learned from Chef Rob Pengson some tips in getting good quality ham, in this way, the value of my money will not come to waste when I buy hams in the grocery. CDO Holiday Ham is a prime cut ham from the boneless meat part of the pig's hind leg which is the best part cut for a pork ham, it is more tastier, meatier and good than ordinary hams in the store. (more below)
CDO Holiday Ham is a high quality smoked ham and to know that if the ham is a smoked ham, you need to check the net marks on it, and CDO Holiday Ham have net marks and also it never contains any extenders. CDO Holiday Ham is much heavier than other brands and it is meaty and juicy. I saw the difference of CDO brand and another brand, CDO is much more darker, juicy, have net marks, bigger and heavy, while the other brand ( I know the brand, but will not mention it here) is colored pink, small, and light and the glazed sweets are not present as you open it from the package.I'm not an expert in looking for its appearance, but my taste buds and tummy is the thing that I trust, and preparing a food with ham will make the meal more delicious.
According to Chef Rob that you can do many food recipes with a holiday ham, and I know that, because here at home we cook different kinds of food and we always add ham. Now I'm excited to eat my Holiday Ham, and sad to know that this is only sold and available every Holiday season.
Salad with CDO Holiday Ham
to know more about CDO Holiday Ham visit
and also join their iPad promo contest online.
and here are my coverage from the ham preparation demo
panoramic view of the ham preparation demo with our blogger friends
Chef Rob prepares the table / bloggers chikka minute
photo op and later on chikka minute with mommy bloggers