I received this news via email
Meet French Artist IVAN BRUN at our Galleria branch on Saturday, March 26 from 1-4 pm.
Ivan will be promoting 2 of his latest graphic albums: WAR SONGS and NO COMMENT.
FREE SKETCHES! That's right, Ivan will be drawing free sketches for everyone...first come, first served.
So if you aren't doing anything on the 26th, stop by and say hello.
And don't forget, our 3-DAY sale is now ongoing. March 18-20 at all branches!
Listed below are the confirmed titles arriving on Thursday, 3-24-2011 at Comic Odyssey.
For all subscription customers, simply reply to this e-mail with your list of titles for the week and I will reserve them for you.
Please send me your lists by 8AM Wednesday to avoid unexpected sell-outs.
You can also reply to this e-mail if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or send me your wantlists and I will respond to you promptly.
Comic Odyssey
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