I attended a round table discussion last Saturday in AIM, Makati and its about a topic prepared by the Blog and Soul Movement for bloggers, the topic is about ethics and the blogger. The discussions is very hot and I know many of you are interested in hearing different opinions and comments from the bloggers. And because that bloggers behaviour and the purpose of its role in the online community is starting not too good and needed to be discussed and shed some light to each other and for those who aren't aware.
I will create a separate blog post on what I think is right and the way I do as a blogger for the general public. Because many of the new bloggers didn't know some important roles and ways of doing it right, for example.
Here are some what I learned and I like to share it here
1. You must not copy an original content done by another blogger and post it in your blogs.
2. You must add a credit of the original content maker, if it is a blog quote content, photo, or video posted in your blog
3. Bloggers that are invited to and attending a PR and media events should observe proper conduct and behave properly
4. If you are invited to an event and required to RSVP via email or text, it is good for the blogger to send the RSVP right away or at least a day before the event.
5. Inform the event organizer, if for example , you are bringing someone with you ( wife, husband, gf, bf or companion) A blogger sometimes has chaperons in attending events.
6. You are not allowed to bring your entire family with you, the event invites sometimes is good for 1 or 2 person only. I just heard some blogger who brought her entire barkada and family to a food event.
7. I sometimes ask the organizers if I can invite other bloggers for the event, and I let them do send the invites to my friends, sometimes if the organizers said "yes, invite your blogger friends, the more the merrier", that means it is an open event and you can invite them or bring them with you. But sometimes events are very private and confidential, the event organizers will decline in inviting others who are not in their list. We enjoy attending events, but all of it are not just for fun only, attending it means that you were there to listen, to write a story, and post a blog entry about it. You are not there just to meet your crush or eat foods or receive freebies.
8. You can not ask for more freebies at the event. The freebies, swags, or event giveaways is given to the present attendees of the event. You should keep it and not open the gift giveaway infront of the event personnel. Just open it or look at it if the event is finished.
9. Attacking a person by a use of blogs is now being looked upon as a bait for libel. You should be careful in posting anything about it. This is a big debate, and if comments and personal opinions apply if it is called an attack or a comment.
10. If you feel that you are wrong on some actions, try to approach a fellow blogger and ask for advice and tips on what you should do, there's nothing wrong in asking to a co-blogger and friend, this will resolve your problems immediately.
11. Having a code of ethics to bloggers is not applicable, and because that having a right for freedom of speech is what we really wanted, but not entirely abuse it. As for having an ethics to bloggers, it will be good that some bloggers should become a role model to others. Many new bloggers are lost in some ways, but needed to be guided in a possible way. By showing how we blog, how we act, and maybe we can guide them via plurk, multiply twitter or via facebook. There's nothing wrong in telling them nicely and have a personal talk to them if they acted something that is not right. This way, we can avoid those conflicts in having lots of misunderstanding.
This is some parts I know and what we discussed during the talk, in my future blog post, I will post some tips and how to's on what I do as a blogger.
below is my video during the round table discussions.
and below is my recorded podcast
more pics at Round Table Talk : Ethics and the blogger part 1
and JP's album at Blog and Soul Sessions (Set 1)
Nina Fuentes's Photos - Blog & Soul Roundtable Discussion