I’m very happy with the turn out of my photo coverage from the Penshoppe Fan Conference 2013 with Mario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok, the event was held at SM Mall of Asia Atrium event center, in front of the Penshoppe store. I ‘ve prepared for this few days ago and I make sure that this is in my schedule haha. It’s fun covering this event and I super miss the screaming fans and also hyper-ness of energy when Mario Maurer goes up on stage again, but for this year, for his 3rd or maybe 4th return here in Manila, Philippines, he came back with the beautiful Thai actress Baifern Pimchanok, she is also the co-star and leading of the 2010 Thai love story movie “A Little Thing called Love”.
I spotted that movie before in a cable channel owned by ABS CBN, they got the rights on the same year and aired it in Filipino dub version, with that airing, it added more fans to the P’Shone and Nam love tandem (Mario and Baifern) and because of that…I took a spin in YouTube and re-watched the movie again, but this time in Thai language, its more fun to watch the movie with their own language, Thai accent is so cute and it sounded like a mix of Chinese and Filipino language.
My reaction seeing Mario Maurer again is normal hahaha. I just can’t forget that we met after the 1st fan con in a small room , and we just stared at each other, I know that moment should be for a fan girl, but that will be just a story today, because I forgot that I have my camera with me hahaa. I was there at the 1st fan con to cover it as a blogger along with entertainment bloggers. This year, my attention is focus to Baifern Pimchanok, I got so curious what will be her look in person and also her Thai accent. I didn’t research before the event, I just want to surprise myself and let the fate decide hahaa.
Mario and Baifern for Penshoppe
On the popular Thai actors, Penshoppe Brand Director Jeff Bascon says, “We love their energy—they have a fresh and youthful vibe that represents what the brand is all about.” He adds, “Mario loves the Philippines, he’s been here before; and Baifern is looking forward to meeting her Pinoy fans for the first time. Everyone’s just excited and we’re happy that we’re able to give Penshoppe fans the opportunity to see and meet them.”
The two Thai celebs are here for Penshoppe as model and also endorsers for the local brand. I noticed that Penshoppe’s fashion brand and style are transforming so rapidly and this give us a good view how clothes will look like and worn by popular stars who are from another land. This gives a big points that Penshoppe clothing brands will look good worn by Pinoys, Asians and foreigners.
The fan conference awhile ago is a kick start once more for Penshoppe and also for Mario and Baifern future tandem in a movie – Mario even commented that there might be a part 2 of one of their past movies, but only time will tell when will it be and when will they be free to meet again and shoot a film together. Baifern love also the clothing of Penshoppe, and she loves the photo shoot activity with Mario and since its her first time here, she’s a bit quiet and shy for us (she speaks few English and understand some English words), but energy kick back when she performed one song number – a Thai song infront of the pinoy crowd, she even grabbed Mario’s hand and both of them danced and stage while Baifern is singing… imagine with that performance, the crowd of SM Mall of Asia went triple wild. Baifern commented that she feels good to be part of Penshoppe and included in the Penshoppe All Stars list – that includes – Hollywood celebs Leighton Meester, Zack Efron, Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, Ed Westwick and also includes the boy band One Direction.
Watch out for my video blog coverage, I will upload it after a day. It’s a video from the event, the interviews and also Baifern and Mario stage performance in SM Mall of Asia.
Website: www.penshoppe.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/penshoppeofficial
Twitter: www.twitter.com/penshoppe
Visit Penshoppe’s online portal for news and also promos.
Now its time for me to check out Penshoppe store here in a nearby mall.
I just spotted a nice polo and shirt that was worn by Mario Maurer hahaha.
And here’s my photo coverage of the fancon
for my video blog coverage, just visit http://azraelsmerryland.blogspot.com/2013/08/az-video-blog-penshoppe-fancon-2013.html
Baifern and Mario just arrived in SM Mall of Asia at past 5:00pm, everyone went wild and crazy when the two Thai celebs entered the mall. Its funny that they didn’t entered to the mall entrance with lots of fans waiting, but they entered in the other entrance with no fans waiting, awesome strategy!
The stage area – they showed in a lopp some footage and behind the scenes of Mario and Baifern’s photo shoot for Penshoppe
movie star chair
Baifern’s behind the scene photo shoot, here I just check her style and modeling thing…and I found that she’s cute pala.
Me view…it’s a perfect view standing in an elevated platform for tv crew and photographers.
Thanks Buensalido PR for inviting me and also allowing me to cover this for my blog.
The fans are waiting – almost an hour for the big show
more fans are coming in…..
I just took some test shots before the main show started
Cesca Litton appeared on stage hosting for the event and show of Penshoppe
Not impressed at first..because the crowd is a bit quiet after her hosting spiels, so she requested again for some loud cheer and lots of screams.
Stage games…. two teams battle it out in a quiz bee all about Mario and Baifern
they almost got some of the answers, but the die hard fans behind me knows it all. They also get free coaching from the crowd.
Baifern and Mario went up on stage – all wearing Penshoppe outfits.
Baifern so cute…. “Sawadika!”
Mario Maurer waves and greet all the fans from the left to right and up to the 2nd floor
Time to seat down first…
laugh moments of Baifern.. I didn’t stop clicking my camera, because these are the most awesome moments..
to capture that great smile…..
and get a nice shot of her and looking at me!!!! awwwww awww awwww!
Interview time!
Baifern listens to her Eng-Thai translator for the interview.
She answered so short and mostly the same answer with Mario. I think it will be better if the questions were asked in Thai language and then Baifern can answer it directly in Thai. Then the translator can help her translate it into English.
Our friendly mall guards are here to secure the crowd and also make sure the barricades won’t fall
salute to you all!
Baifern looks at me again… hhahaha. I’m standing infront of her and my vantage point is infront of her.
ha! I think Mario is pointing to another clothing store…lol
The girl at the 2nd floor giggles in joy when Mario said “I love you” to her
Baiferns waves at me again ahhahaha. click click click…. (my heart is pumping so fast)
more laughs…and after the interview, they allow some of their fans to ask a direct question to them.
I think this guy is the President of a Mario Maurer fan club… its obvious noh!!
kob kun kaa – thank you in Thai….. and yeah I even googled that
more shots now to Mario Maurer…..
Gotcha!!! thanks Mario for looking at my camera again… for the 3rd time!
getting ready for that stage number
Baifern and Mario dances on stage while Baifern sang a song.
I thought that it will be just a partial song…but it was a whole song!! awwww Baifern’s voice is so cute
the heart shape sign that triggers kilig moment to a fan girl above
Baifern again

If im a candle.. I already melted.. this moment is very different and the impact is double than I first saw Leighton Meester.
And now the Thai celebs answers Q and A from Twitter users.
Lucky Twitter users!! I hope they are here at the event site.
Sorry…more pics of Baifern
fashion show by Mario and Baifern fans
photo op moments with Penshoppe fans
Time to say good bye!!!
More smiles from Baifern
If ever they know my name… they can shout at me here -- “ Good Bye Azrael! see you soon” – Baifern and Mario
- coverage ends here -