June 06, 2004
1:00 pm
The meet up starts and heavy pour of rain washed the entire Metro, and our brave TFPH members travel their way against the storm "Frank".
the storm didnt have a chance to stop the 2nd year anniversary of TFPH.
Members started watching the TransFormers fan film feature titled "Redemption". a CGI based animation created by fans, also after that episode 12 of the TransFormers Super-Link was shown.and then later on TransFormers Energon Eps.1 Cartoon Network version.
everyone is talking and sharing some stuff,. showing their own collections and TF toys! Rainier showed his TF:energon Omega Supreme, while Joe didnt let lose after he showed his classic TF:gen 1 Omega Supreme., OJ has his ever loved Unicron, while the others have their own stuff showed after the review of the Omega Supreme figure. TJ showed his elementary Super Robot Daiturn pencil case that can transform from pencil case into hot shot Robot with metallic sword! geez.thats a deadly weapon, I can't believe that they inserted that into a elementary pencil case.
Daiturn robo pencil case
OJ with his Unicron
Joe with his Gen 1 Omega Supreme
Cris DeathConvoy review the toys
Rainier transform his TF:Energon Omega Supreme
Pre-Toycon meeting started.
and the Toycon event will be the biggest TFPH exposure ever.
featuring activities at the event like : Transforming Demo at the stage, presenting Unicron and Omega Supreme to all audience and collectors.
During the pre-toycon meeting, my famous speech started as being the new head for TFPH, i love to say this as a great Supreme Chancellor ala Palpatine "On my first act I wil create a grand army for the republic, this will defend us against the Separatist"
kulang na lang may mag imitate kay Mace Windu! (opps! wrong fandom!)
also booth design and some TFPH merchandise designs were presented to all members.
It was Music time when we dig Joe's Mp3 collection and later found out that we all have the same music preferences, we listen to trash,death music and metal music like Carcas, Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath,
while Alvin and TJ (a newbie) talks about toys and other TF stuff.
On the next meet up, Joe might show and play his electric guitar, also I'l bring my guitar and my bandmate TJ will also bring his violin,
expect a TF jamming soon !
is this a cameo appearance for the 1st TransFormers Rock Band?
ala Animetal noh?
We are playing Black Sabbath!
after all the discussion of the future plans for the group.
TFPH wraps up and closed the session for a great day out!
and me and some friends headed back to Hogwarts Philippines in Shangri La.
thanks to everyone who brought foods and drinks
and we expect a full jam pack on the next meet
watch out this month for another Meet up
thanks to Joe for the venue.
OJ for the Unicron hip hop song
TJ for the dance presentation
Cris for the food !
Alvin for the Tuna meal !!!
Rainier for the Omega Supreme and er..ikaw pala yung old customer ko sa 1st hobby shop ko way back 1997!
Dan for the funny sleeps at the Bus
did i miss someone?
well i thank you all TFPH members online and offline for making our group ROCK !!!
peace, love, rock and roll out !!
-Azrael Esquire (Aztigamus Convoy) Deasis Coladilla
TransFormers Philippines head honcho