im just posting this new funny series with attachment of Toyfare's Twisted Mego Theater inspired.
i have to post this coz down below of this entry is much a serious side of myself.
ToyTalk 5
"No Wheeling"
Toytalk 6
"Unicron has a new baby!"
thanks to ~jamstorm of Deviant ART for the photos
a fast edit and fast story made by yours truly.
i did this on Sunday morning and evening just to make myself comfortable.
its a mind refreshing day for me this Sunday.
and I uploaded it in my Deviant ART gallery
coming up:
Reviews of a comic from Burst comics, Fifty peso ninja, the ninja smores, magazines and books!
but dont let me do a movie review of The Village...coz it sucks!!!!!!!
maybe I didnt enjoy it watching thats why..and im glad that theres a lock in that door knob ^__^