Im shocked to see that my name is present on someones blog and they are criticizing my status and I just cant believe that it will be a short topic for their blog.
Who cares If I'm poor?
And I mean it. that I'm not rich.
I dont have a house, a bigger house, a hi tech appliances, a car, bath tub, big bed.
and I don't have much money!
I'm just an ordinary guy with a cute face hahahahaha..
Who cares anyway.
It's my life and why is it that they want to talk about my life in other blog.
its just (beep) weird now.
I want to leave the country ASAP!
I want to be with my family in Chicago, I'm starting to hate it here.
I'l show those people that I'l be super rich next time and if that moment comes
I'm gonna buy all those stuff that they didn't have.
oh geez..when will I get rich.
getting FAMOUS but not getting RICH
hm...maybe this might be my next title for my BLOG
coz im retiring the AZRAEL'S MERRYLAND Blog title.
my girls chasing and dating days are OVER
hm I think the new title will describe me the most!
I feel great to be under the mud!
from a Robin Padilla and Sharon Cuneta Movie
OO na! Mahal Kita!
Langit ka!
Lupa ako!
tsup! tsup! tsup!