all energies charging up...
batteries are nearly full..
the Az man will boost up again!
yup! that's right, i'm back again to my old self, been lost in some freaking woods and now i'm back with a vengeance. So be better be scared.
I already quit in events organizing but it seems that these events are still calling me and here I am now into the state of no thinking and planning..I have just called up a Deviant ART Summit and Convention Philipine Version and I don't know how will I pull it.
Ideas and concept are coming into my brains and I can't let it out of my head. I just need a meeting and release all these stuff in my brain.
I just can't post it here in my blog, because there are lot of people are now reading here and hmm getting the latest scoop on what will happen on the pinoy pop culture. and yes.. we will be creating this pop culture thing.
I just browsed some news about the comic industry here. Some news are bad and some are good. Thanks to them that the comic energies are still present and still strong.
It's already 6:19am and I haven't sleep yet, been busy while ago chatting with Henry, Patrick, Camy, who's still awake before that time and we chat and downloaded some Mp3.
Camy introduces me to this jrock band, Tokyo Jihen, its cool music and I really like the vocals of Shiina Ringo, problem is they dubbed her as the Jrock Queen or Princess or something and I don't like the idea of dubbing her that. Title of the song we downloaded is "Souna". its really cool song. Camy said that the music is always played in Animax. I don't know the idea but all I know is that I don't have Cable TV here at home.
thansk to Patrick for the mp3 download. geez..the power of DSL and the crappyness of dial up. ohhh..sweet unlimited.
(Az looks on TV and watch a Kylie Minogue MTV "I believe in You")
I'm still okay here, and my friends and sister word me up on what they have read on my previous entry, lessons learn and true colors of people had surface. I'm glad that I know their personality and what's really happening in their heads. so here I am will avoid them. coz nearly I started to hate rich people. but thats a bad attitude. coz I have rich friends who are very good to people. well that's how people goes.
may bad at may good.
Me and Lace are having a hard time on each other now. for having a busy sked this week, we only met once for this week and hoping we meet this Friday. she's busy on her school project and I'm busy looking for a REAL JOB, capitalize REAL JOB. ok there you go..
We might try to apply on those call center company this friday. It's her idea but i really like it, especially both of us will apply for the job.
But thing here is, can I make it to the tops? hmm.its a challenge but its a worth of a try.
here's a recent photo of us, and I'm happy to see this image in her cellphone screen wallpaper.She sent me this while ago tru MMS and it landed right into my email inbox. hope I can own a MMS phone.
sorry guys for not yet making a review of your indie comics,
will post reviews of Tabloid Comics and Melch's comics. and I will coz all of those stuffs are FREE. thanks dude!
and here's a juicy and cutey pic that I got someones blog, its a cutey puppy wearing a kimono.
the blog owner describes this puppy as a member of a yakuza.