its a fast update today here in my blog, and it seems that everyone is busy and been receiving again a large visit, thanks for dropping by to my site again, im working out on something just for all my readers, its like saying thank you's to all.
i'm reading all these blogs lately and been busy waiting for their next story, their own telenovela, and their own series, its been quite a one of a hell blog stories from the past 2 weeks. its like hell !!! im trying not to get involved on some controversial stories that spreads from one blog to tag board to another, and im getting some sick nerves on something....and some people are really love to post anything and just to hide their real identity, giving comments to anything what they read on some blogs.
its funny...all i can do is laugh watching them bash each other,. but they didnt know that they already hurt someone...and maybe one of them is me..
hope those issue ends now.
The Last Dip
its not summer for us..
for me summer is endless
here me and lace taking a cold dip again in the pool.
its so hot and my skin is already dark, my right wrist has already a sunburn band.
last swim, we went out with her sister, liza. its a swim swim and eat eat day for us.
more photos here
My Class
Physics 2C class in FEU is one happy go lucky class.
its fun to be with my architecture classmates. i feel a highschool student again.
I know that im the oldest guy in class, and still everyone treats me not like an old stranger, and treats me like somekind of like their age. its fun to hang out with these kids.
going to school early just to compare datas of assignments, copy some projects, and when it comes to exams, we're pretending that we talk on our calculator and send some email or mms during the exams.
geeez..i hope they can invent a calculator that can send email, mms and voice mail hahahahah..
check out our crazy photos here
Josele's Bday
our group pic, the arrow is Josele hahahah.. but browse our photo album to see her
Photo Album
They mistaken me as a highschool student when i went to Josele May Ong's Bday party, and their jaws dropped down when they found out that im a college student. its funny to see these people got the shock in their life to see a 27-year old guy like me, mistaken to be a 17-18 yr old kid. hahahah!
it seems that im getting younger and younger again when im getting old.
me vs. the brownies
Games and Gadget Show 2006
This is the very first press release for the G2 2006, I was invited by Marc Sy of MMOG Philipines in their Malate office to talk with me about their coming event next year, Marc said that next year's G2 will be the biggest event of the summer. They already got sponsors and already been on the bidding for the coming event. MMMOG went to Taiwan and attended a games convention, they invited game developers to participate in G2 2006, but everything is on arrangement for the big electronic event.
May 2006 is the sure target month of G2 2006, and it will be held in SM MegatradeHall 1,2,3 . 3 Halls that will give thrice the fun,games and pure electronic road show for all. G2 2006 is our local E3 event, but I already give them some advice in turning it also into a GDC or a local Game Developers Conference, i give them some nice inputs and ideas for the event, and im thankful that they created this kind of convention,for next year G2 2006, expert more displays,games, contest and booth girls!
related website :
JYP event today
Im invited by my sister at their event today and hmm..its a girlie event and i'll be there to help here in taking photo coverage of a summer special event for Jerry Yan, We are already expecting a 100 attendees today, coz they already bought tickets from my sister's fan group, and I think they will gonna announce the return of Jerry Yan and the F4 this coming months,
oh...ultimate bonding..
is that am i going to bond with jerry yan fan girls ?
yikes...have to eject before that activity