its everywhere!
from posters, tv, internet...
its finally here!~
the hype is here already,the start of the end of the star wars saga will be showing this week.
This monday there's a 2nd screening of the movie, and last week was the first screening exclusive for the press, and then on tuesday I will be there to watch the first 3 early screening of Episode 3. Will watch it in Glorietta 4 with the geekiest group in the Philippines, Star Wars Philippines,. I'm so happy that im part of this group, been searching for this group all my life and i'm glad that I become a member 3 years ago and now I'll be joining them on watching the movie that makes our life very colorful.
movie! movie! movie!I cant sleep now, coz im so excited for tomorrow nights screening and I might start to cry before the movie starts ahhaha...geez..i am a true fan and I cant believe it that I'l have that golden ticket for the movie.
The Sith is here
The dark one is here
(thats Carlo in Palpatine and Rain as Darth Vader, a complete full costume)
(with Manny, Oneal, Mardon,Hec as troopers)
Saber dudes of SWP
(Ruth, Gary,JP, Karl and Edwin)
Last week STar Wars Philippines participated in a costume parade in SMART mobile event in SM MEgamall Atrium, too bad that I didnt went there coz I dont ahve a SMART sim,but to thanks to Meann for giving the buzz on May 18th GLOBE's event in Greenbelt and they say its a hard hitter super galactic sci fi set up for the launching of the movie.
while looking on some stuff in Glorietta, I just saw a tshirt of M&M star wars episode 3, its really cute and I want one! it costs P360, in different designs M&M characters in Han Solo, Amidala, C3PO, Anakin and the ever rare one Darth M&M Vader..
they will be releasing the Darth shirt this afternoon, so if you are there, better grab one,coz it will be a chase shirt for collectors.
i was browsing some books in FullyBooked GateWay Mall and then I saw this Magazine of FullyBooked called In Print, I was attracted by the cover, coz its an Episode 3 image cover of the magazine, then I opened it and saw on page 4 my face!!
yup my face, with the rest of my geek friends of Star Wars Philippines, ahahaha.I was shocked to see our pics in one Star Wars Article, the photo is from last year Halloween Party in Hard Rock Cafe, after seeing that I asked the sales person if it is for sale, coz I told them that I saw my face in the magazine, then they laughed , we laughed coz Its funny to see my reactions when I saw my photo. and then they say that the magazine is FREEE-----.. oh wow..then i grabbed my own and read it while riding the MRT ahhahah!!
here's one shirt I saw on the net ...really juicy ahhaah