its Syeri Baet's CarPool First Trip booksigning in Gloria Jeans Coffee and also an extension of her birthday celebration. Friends and fans of her book enjoyed th 3 day event inside the cafe.
I went there at the last day of the event to support my fellow Artists' Den-mate, and also to see my friends who hangs out at the venue, its funny coz I started to play some Simpsons animation episodes in my laptop and then after some minutes Gloria Jeans was infested by laughing and giggling Simpson viewers ahaahhah.
thanks to the Beerkadets for supporting the book event, they supported not only Beerkada but also Carpool, I saw some of them bought Lico's Fifty Peso Ninja comics.
The starving Artists Den, fed generously by Beerkadet Jinky and Kai (thanks!)
photos from :
Also thanks to Jinky and the Beerkadets for treating us KFC bucket meals! and whoa...during that night we ate the chicken, rice, mashed potatoes with our hands ahhahaa. we massacred the chicken infront of GJ.
During the book event every 8pm-11pm there's a live band performance and the venue was filled with artist, musician, and fans of the comic book. Also some new readers tries out the comicbook compilation Carpool.
thanks to GJ for the venue and Artists' Den for organizing the event. maybe soon my FAN's day will be held in Merryland Fan's Day ahhahaha.
check out the photo event album here
click click click -->
and Syeri Baet's website