I'm glad that the Artists' Den and Guhit Pinoy made a successful booth event last week in Arts and Music Festival, I was supposed to attend the event but I have to zap to Lucena to attend my cousin's first child baptism. Its a good food for the stomach, joy ride and pain in the butt for riding back to Manila.
I don't have much update about what happened to the event, but I'm glad that it was a success even that theres a crisis happening in the metro.
thanks to Jay and Joann of Backdoor for the buzz about the event and il make sure that next year will be another blast..
the Artists Den and Guhit Pinoy booth,
hehehe..this is the first time I saw there booth so colorful
Guhit Pinoy
pics are from http://beerkada.i.ph

Kiko Machine

Wawi Navarroza of The Late Isabel
all photos by http://digimurder.deviantart.com/

charms tianzon of the band matilda, with chinchin gutierrez, danced to the music of percussionists nityalila, pinikpikan, and the child advocates of museo pambata, during the recently held 2nd backdoor ventures' music and arts festival

print model, photographer and vocalist of late isabel wawi navarroza strut her stuff by dancing to the beats of percussionists in this arts and music festival...

child advocates of museo pambata jam with the country's most talented musicians, alongside saxophonist from the band reklamo, nityalila, carol and friends of pinikpikan, richard of liquid ginger/elemento...
photos and captions by http://talamaningning.deviantart.com/