I didnt know that one of the people I know got infected by a trojan virus
so while ago I was chatting with LAce and then the guy i know pops up sent a message containing a geocities link web page.
I told him what's in there, but then he automatically log offed, then I highlighted the link to see if it is a virus or trojan link, then to my surprised it was really a trojan link!!!!... then i told Lace to not to open it, but it was too late, she already clicked it but she told me she closes it.
i told her it was a trojan virus, she said that she was directed to a web page of yahoo photos. then I told her its a bogus website of yahoo photos.
im glad that she closed it on time, before the pop ups and the virus appear and activate..
it was a very horrifying experience !!
just take note..
do not open a link like this
where sometimes displayed as [www.geocities.com/diva_d0] without the number 15
but dont worry..the hyperlink doesnt work here
what will happen is that a fake website will appear and lots of pop ups will come up
and you already dont know that your yahoo mail password will be stolen when your yahoo messenger is active.
to know more about this trojan you can visit this link for removal and info