eps. 13 The Fix
We've been watching this series last month and thanks to neighbor DVD-9 in St. Francis Sq. that they have a 9 episode sold there, I have no choice but to grab it and instead of waiting for the local release here. I've been seeing this series online and Im glad that Tv episode downloads are now accessible to anyone. I'll be starting to comment on some episodes of Heroes here in my blog.
Episode 13, The Fix.
Im still surprise on every turn of events in every episode of Heroes, Hiro and Ando must find their way out of trouble when people in suits are chasing them and surprise them on who's going behind on that Linderman guy, Im still puzzled on who's Linderman, coz he is connected on every characters in the story. Getting to know more some of the characters past and also their origin, Im starting to wonder again where did they get all those powers.
Its funny that there is an invisible man roaming the streets of NYC, stealing cellphones, money and trespassing to apartments. We've seen already on who will be the ticking time bomb in Heroes, but my bet that it is not Peter Petrelli, what he see in his dreams are only images of the man who will become a nuclear bomb. A guy also appeared who possess fire, he can combuse at will, and also the revelation of Claire's mom.
geez.. every episode of this series are one-hot-must-watch, if you are into Heroes.
tonight it will be the 14th episode and now Im online waiting for an upload hahhahaa.
Im just hoping that they legalize Tv episode downloads.
ehehe intay ko yung latest eps later