its a saturday comics appreciation day at Comic Odyssey,Robinsons Galeria, me and Lace arrived a little late and didnt catch the other members of Transformers Philippines at the monthly activity called Comics Appreciation day, where people go there and appreciate the comics and contents of the title you want, and since we went there for the local release of the prequel movie comics of TransFormers we also held a short meeting after my visit to the to other side of black hole of Cybertron philipines (peace mark!)
We were suppose to have a good day out but I have an important meeting that day with some officials for getting them as a tie up for our ToyCon event. Then our day had lost when time eats the day and it turns into night, but nothing stops Lace (the queen of Dinobot Island) from having
her ice invasion. After I made her feel like a Jaba the hutt and eating all the meals in Pancake house, we went to the ice skating rink and ride all the ice until the SM Mall of Asia closes.
and then for the 3rd time...we failed to watch 300 !!!
I promised myself that I will watch the movie tomorrow! Tonight we dine in KFC !!!
------ Busy
been busy for awhile and this is the only post for today, Im busy for my day job and also for ToyCon, but I've missed a lot for ToyCon and I might give a schedule for that, coz Im still working to revive the whole website for Glass House Graphics and I have only 10% of it revive..whew~ more for the 80%
-- Hackenslash
I was informed awhile ago by Creative Voices Production that I will be the next guest for the podcast for Inquirer's Hackenslash , which they informed me also the couple of months and I'm surprised the next episode is me. and Also Im not sure what topic will they give to me and Im a little bit nervous coz its a hot seat for their podcast episode ehhhehe, but I can give a topic about TransFormers, and represent TransFormers Philippines, give them updates about the move, toys and etc. and also it can be about my job in Glass House Graphics or it can be more about the upcoming Philippine Toy Convention in June 16-17, well good luck to me, im excited also.
hheheheh everybody is a gamer!
--- Absorbing man
ehheh Im turning into a human absorbing man, ehhhe Lace is here with me using my laptop, while I use her desktop PC for my jobs, Im absorbing her all pressure and stress about her new work. hehhehe..