I'm back again for another production note for Toy Con year 7
I'm here in Starbucks Podium surfing the net while I wait my partner til 12nn to log out from her office, I will post the next update on our meeting last Thursday on my next production note.
Toy Con postponement rumors
Its funny that I encounter this subject every year whenever we are busy organizing this event. Last year I heard this rumor that Toy Con 2007 will be canceled for that year, but I guess they already hit their heads under the pillow when they saw and we conquer Toy Con year 6 last year.
Same goes to this rumor spreading in some forums that our Toy Con year 7 will be postponed and its funny to hear this people mongering about and creating their own news. wow! I'm not surprised. I just received this report this morning via text message from a friend who are members of this forum group. I was laughing at it and I just told my friend that I'm not worried about it, they will experience a lot of hakuna matata after June 13-15, 2008.
I won't be surfing around in some forums just to seek out these rumor mongers, well its okay, at least the event is creating a buzz.. yup, thats buzz marketing! thanks guys!
Its hard to form this event and we are now going regional, I think this will be the biggest convention for the pop culture scene, because we are now in relation with other asian countries and they will be participating in this coming event. New sponsors are making their way and are interested to join the band wagon.
whew! If you are excited.. then I am more excited than you. I just wished that the time frame will give me more time to organize this because the heavy loads are in my hands.
- production, program, marketing, advertising, technical directing, and a lot more.
and hey! I just purchased a dot com for Toy Com. - check out -> www.toyconph.com
yeah thats the new mother home and it will be bigger next time! still in beta stage,but thats a teaser page for a what will come for the next weeks. I just acquired it from a friend and the domain registration is so easy, all you have to do is click and read and use your paypal account and buying domain and hosting services.
I still have my day job and I'm starting to balance this, because Its hard to focus on my events when I'm focusing more on my work.
Oh my god!!!!! I'm a Skrull !!!