It’s Harvey Dent’s challenge to Gotham. Show enough support for Dent's crusade for change and he’ll run for District Attorney. Gotham’s fate rests on us. It’s in our hands to take Gotham back.
Yes! I believe in Harvey Dent, thats why I'm going to vote for him and support him just to have a big change in Gotham City. Last week me and my brother Denver, signed up to Take back Gotham City and we receive this note ( see below) All of the bad elements in Gotham will be removed. But hey! I just wish that
online casino will be spared on this crusade by Harvey Dent.
Citizens of Gotham! The future of our city rests in your hands!
Alone, we are helpless against the thugs and killers menacing our city.
Together, we have the power to take back Gotham.
In just a few days, you'll find out how.
Keep an eye on http://www.ibelieveinharveydent.com -- and get ready to join a movement that will transform our city!
In a few days, me and my brother and other Harvey Dent supporters will march down and join the rally just to show a big support to Mr. Harvey Dent. If you want to join the big rally, visit this website
http://www.ibelieveinharveydent.com and decide now !