click here for hi res image here
I just finished finally doing the lettering stuff for our 6 page komiks entitled "Ordinary World", this title will be included in the 3rd issue of Komikero Komiks Anthology to be release and launch at the Komikon 2009 in Megatrade Hall 3 on October 18, 2009. The story that I wrote was interpreted by indie comic artist Jake Sumbing, I'm very happy on the turn out of the art and the original idea of this title is that to show more of Jake's comic artwork, so it has less words and more visuals was shown from my story. It's a funny moment that I cried during the editing some pages, I think its a tears of joy in seeing my story to be turned into a comics or maybe I got affected in my story and visuals of the art of Jake, because this comics is my first ever LOVE STORY theme comics.
I just can't believed in my self that I did another great team up with Jake and the rest of the Komikero gang, I salute them and thank them big time for having me join the group and trusting me to write and catch up deadlines hehehe.
I finished the lettering at 7pm while ago in Krispy Kreme BHS, and thanks to Jonel Uy for accompanying me there, and also met Mr. Juan Ramos, a retired army officer, who got my attention for babbling to Jonel about the comics I'm doing, just got a great advice from Mr. Ramos about making comics, and I'm very happy that he appreciated our works and want us to do more comics for the next generation. He mentioned our komiks master artists and wow he is such a big fan of our classic comics. It was a fun and productive evening for me at Krispy Kreme, even the crew of KK is excited to see this onprint, I told them it will be uploaded online soon.
Talk about online komiks, our 1st title comics "The Tales from the Mysterium Complex", has been colored so great by Jonas Diego's comic coloring company Robo Pixel Monkey, I almost fell in my seat after I saw some preview of our colored version of the komiks from Johnny Danganan. And I got a news from Jonas that all works will be upload in the site "The Komikero Komiks Anthology -
My first work in indie comics is published in the 1st Komikero Komiks Anthology that was launched at the Summer Komikon Fiesta 2009 last May 2009. My first and mighty team up with Jake Sumbing.
so ayun! hay.. ang galeng talaga nila.
thanks super to Gerry Alanguilan, Jonas Diego, Johnny Danganan, to the Komikero gang, my blog readers and to all who bought the anthology comics. more comics to come in the future ^___^