With so many winning acts that are done selflessly in the country this year, Medicol Advance would like to thank and pay tribute to these people who have gone out of their way to help other people and communities.
From October 12 to November 6, 2009, we invite everyone to nominate individuals or groups of individuals that have truly exemplified selfless winning acts in 2009. All you have to do is visit Medicol Advance’s facebook page and share the inspiring story of a person/group you wish to nominate.
Each week, for FOUR (4) weeks, Medicol Advance will donate P10,000 worth of grocery and personal care items plus P10,000 worth of Medicol Advance to the beneficiary/community of the nominee’s choice. The nominator will also be given gift certificates, which they can also use to reach out to help other people in need.
This is Medicol Advance’s own little way of paying it forward by recognizing and helping other people who may want to reach out to those who are in need but do not have the resources to do so
This is also just the first of Medicol Advance’s upcoming efforts to pay tribute to Selfless Winners of our country today.
Log-on to Facebook and search for: Medicol Advance’s Selfless Winning Acts Page to join and read the full mechanics (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Medicol-Advance-Selfless-Winning-Acts/161140630840?ref=ts)
Medicol Advance is from the makers of Medicol.
Medicol Advance pays tribute to Selfless Winners
1. Log-on to www.facebook.com and search for: Medicol Advance Selfless Winning Acts Page and add the group as one of your contacts
2. Post the following in Medicol Advance Selfless Winning Acts WALL:
Nominator’s Name:
Nominated Individual/Group:
Beneficiary of grocery and medicine goods:
Selfless Winning Act of the Nominated Individual/Group (100 words max)
Post a picture, video, or link if applicable
3. Every week for FOUR (4) weeks, the top FIVE (5) stories which gathered the most number of “Likes” within Medicol Advance’s Selfess Winning Acts page will be granted the grocery/medicine goods P10000 worth plus Medicol Advance, to the Nominee’s beneficiary of choice. The nominator will also be awarded gift certificates that he/she can use to help other people in need
4. Nominations will run from October 12 – November 6, 2009
5. The top TWENTY (20) stories from Medicol Advance’s Selfless Winning Acts Page will be featured in www.medicol.ph
6. This advocacy is open to all Filipinos with beneficiaries from anywhere in the Philippines, 18 years old and above.
7. All prizes are not convertible to cash and shall be directly donated by Unilab to the beneficiaries that were chosen by all nominees and nominators
Nominator - A nominator is any Filipino individual, 18 years old of age that would like to nominate a person or a group who has recently done any selfless winning acts in 2009
Nominated – A nominated person or group could be any Filipino individual/s who have recently exhibited selfless acts to help/save other people in need. ie. “I nominate Juan dela Cruz from Marikina City for saving a mother and child stranded on top of a roof during a recent typhoon”
Beneficiary – A beneficiary could be any individual, family, school, community or organization in the Philippines that the Nominated would want Medicol Advance to donate grocery and medicine goods to Facebook’s “Like” Function – All types of posts in Facebook have thumbs up and thumbs down signs underneath it. The thumbs up sign means that any Facebook user can flag the post as something that they personally “Like” which is similar to the concept of a Vote. Facebook then tracks every person who “Likes” a post and counts the total number of “Likes” a post has in real-time. The “Like” function will be the main basis of the advocacy’s weekly top FIVE (5) stories wherein the stories with the highest number of “Likes” will be our top FIVE (5) stories