I just got this in my Manila Concert Scene network
Guys about the Aerosmith concert, OFFICIAL STATEMENT:
From: Dan Weinera local concert organizer consulted directly to the talent agency of Aerosmith to confirm about the rumors of their concert here in Manila. Then this information was shared to us by the local concert organizer to give us light about the rumor. The info was sent directly to Manila Concert Scene and I asked permission to post it here in my blog. (since I also moderate their other networks and blogs )
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 08:27:52 -0800
I am the exclusive agent for Aerosmith. There is absolutely no truth to advertisements or rumors that have been appearing lately that Aerosmith will be playing in Manila during this year. We are all very concerned and upset that Aerosmith's fans are being misled and hope and trust that no one has bought worthless tickets for events that do not exist.
Dan Weiner
WEBSITE: www.paradigmagency.com/divisions/music
I haven't seen any advertisement of the concert, but I see lots of postings in Facebook and on Twitter about the concert, there's a date but the venue is not mentioned or the organizer.
here's a sample rumor post in FB