I'm monitoring the news on TV, radio and internet about the status of Japan after the earthquake, tsunami and now there's another radioactive meltdown in their power plant. This morning, I saw over at NHK that there's another tsunami that strucked Fukushima, its a 3 meter tsunami that hits the shore lines, then I read on the news wire on tv that the 2nd nuclear reactor exploded and the 3rd reactor will follow also and the meltdown still continues. I got paranoid the whole day as I think what will be the future of Japan after this disaster and what will be the effect of the radiation waves on nearby countries.
I also read and heard the news that the radiation wave will not reach our country, since the wind and the path of the radioactive wave will go out to sea across and not in the Pacific sea area. That's good news but I'm still scared and my imagination kicks in like will there be mutated animals turn into monsters and being born after the radiation incident, sci fi and horror movies kicks in and it's like that what movie should I follow, I just laughed at myself and think hm..all of them are scary, like the Cloverfield movie is much realistic, but I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes to life.
monster of Cloverfield movie
There's also a text scare about that acid rain that will happen today at 4pm and on the following day, its a funny text scare circulating on sms, internet, twitter, Facebook, plurk and word of mouth. The text scare is not true according to our local news, and its funny that the message said that the message is from NASA and it announces that we should not go out today and avoid walking on the street under the acid rain because it will harm us and get skin cancer after wards.
I started a research if it is true, but I can say that the message is a fake because NASA don't deliver this kind of news and I will believe if they held a press conference right away, and I know that our PAGASA and DOH will do rounds of announcement if that's true, I'm glad that it is not true, but the sad part is that the news spread already and people are now scared and paranoid.
read the news here
and here too
I'm imagining some things awhile ago when I was at home, I looked on my son's eyes and I don't even know what to do if ever a radiation cloud, rain or whatever.. hits the Philippines. I still wish that those imaginary things won't ever happen.
ok...im on to my next meeting
til the next blog update