Here I am now fixing Lace's laptop, while ago when I attended a meeting, Lace called me on the phone and told me that her laptop broke down after a virus infection incident. She told me that earlier when I was about to leave the house, I told her that I'll fix her laptop when I arrive home, but looks like that she can't wait and want to fix her laptop, so she did the virus scanning and removal herself, she used an existing anti virus software installed in her laptop. She scanned and then she told me that the virus removal software can't removed the virus in her laptop, but the virus scanner detected some files and unable to remove it.
I know viruses are tricky and some of the new computer viruses can manipulate your best anti virus software's behavior and can even block it from delete it self when the scanner detected it. So to cut the story short, Lace downloaded another virus removal software, I don't know what kind of software and after a scan around her laptop's HD, the virus scanner successfully deleted the virus and the also the files that was infected.
Then the story ends when Lace told me that the Windows XP operating system is now corrupted....
I told her not to do anything and I'll fix it when I arrive home.
so my plan here now is...
1. remove the Sata HD from Lace's laptop
2. connect it to my laptop by using this USB to Sata HD, this will convert the Sata HD into a removable USB drive
3. transfer all files to my other passport drive
4. install back the Sata HD to her laptop
5. Boot using Window XP (orig CD) in her laptop
6. reformat the HD
7. Install the Win XP
8. fix the laptop's driver ( this will be the hardest part as I will download all of it online)
9. install some softwares needed
10. test the laptop, if no problems encountered...laptop is now okay!!! reformated after 2007 ahahahaaa.
But before I fix her laptop...
there's a littel horror happened here in our study room.
1. I can't fix the Windows XP installer, I found the carded box with serial keys
2. I can't find the passport HD here
Lace's laptop
Sata HD from Lace's laptop connected to my laptop using USB Sata HD connector
my personal passport HD, nilagya ko na ng sticker ng Blogger.com logo para malaman ko kung akin ito hahha
I can't start the data restoration without those 2 important things. I found our extra passport HD here but I can't find my personal passport HD, I looked around the house, opened all drawers, opened all the lights, I went up and entered all rooms and I can't find it. And since that the extra passport HD here dont have its own USB cable, I got the 1st feeling that this is Mama's passport HD, so I looked around for my own drive, but I can't find it. Then the funny thing is that I found a small USB cable, I inserted it to Mama's passport drive and then connect it to my laptop...then I discovered that I was holding my own personal passport drive all along.... and I know Mama's passport HD is kept in her drawer, so I remembered that I used the extra USB cable the other day when I used it to transfer data from my Creative Zen mp3 player hahahaha.
So after connecting everything... the data transfer begins...
When I opened Lace's Sata HD, I found the Acer driver and 4 years of photo data with a size of 165 GB!!!!!!! omg!! where should I store that.
But then I decided to back up her important documents in my laptop and then save other files and folders carefully. I think the photo back up is a problem to me, because (1) passport HD is low on disc space (2) my laptop's HD is also low on disc space
I'm thinking if I'll abandon those photos or save it, because I have the copies of those photos in my extra data HD, but I have a big feeling that some photos stored there are from Lace's personal camera and Nokia phone. Hmmm..what should I do ?!! if I save it on DVD that will be a total of 30 plus DVDs!!!!!!! omg Lace...bakit mo pinabayaan matulog ito 4 years of photo data.
ok...this post is to be continued.....
end of post - March 15, 2011 .... 12:07 am
update 12:46am - I dont have any choice today..so I transfer the photo data files in my passport, I'l back it up there for the moment, as I dont have time today to burn it all in a DVDR.
12:59 - hmmmm im still waiting for the complete file transfer lalalalalalalalalalalal
1:38am - file transfer completed!! ;arghhhhhh
2am - finally....i installed the sata hd back into the laptop and now i'l install the win xp
2:21am - i can't install win xp bec. the hd can't be detected, I checked and saw that the virus just changed the settings of the IDE on the bios setup..weird.
3:56 am - win xp installed and now fixing the drivers